Environmentalists Against the War in San Francisco, January 2003Photo: Melissa A. Schweisguth
Environmentalists Against War: This is a War Against the Planet and All Its Peoples



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July 26, 2024 - A Standing Ovation for Genocide (Danaka Katovich / CODEPINK)

July 26, 2024 - Biden Claims US Isn’t at War as He Bombs Yemen (Dave DeCamp / Antiwar.com)

July 26, 2024 - Theodore Postol on the Beginning of World War 3 (Daniel Davis / Deep Dive)

July 26, 2024 - China Makes Nuclear Weapons Demands to US and Allies (Newsweek)

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who we are    Environmentalists Against War is a network of environmental organizations and individuals that opposed the US attack on Iraq. We continue to oppose the social and environmental impacts of war and militarism, in the US and internationally. Go >