ACTION ALERT: Congress Debates $87 Billion War Bill

October 10th, 2003 - by admin

by Friends Committee on National Legislation –

(October 9, 2003) — Debate on the President’s $87 billion supplemental appropriations bill for Iraq and Afghanistan continues in Congress this week.

The Senate Appropriations Committee has marked up its version of the bill, and the full Senate will resume debate and voting on amendments when it returns from recess October 14.

The House Appropriations Committee plans to begin its mark-up today, October 9. Floor votes are expected by Oct. 17 in both the House and Senate. Congressional leadership hopes to have completed the final conference report by October 23, but this date may be pushed back as members of Congress and the Administration wrestle over the details of how this money should be appropriated.

For a full update on where the supplemental stands, along with a new action alert and sample letter to Congress, please click here: