October 4-11 Keep Space for Peace Week

October 10th, 2003 - by admin

by Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space –

Front Page

On October 4-11 the International Days of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space will be held worldwide. Currently, protest events are planned in 10 nations and at over 61 locations. Many of the actions will also call for the US to end the war and occupation of Iraq.

“The US war in Iraq shows that the use of violence to resolve human conflict only creates more hatred and more killing,” said Bruce Gagnon, Coordinator of the Global Network. “Instead of moving toward building more global stability through multilateral arms control agreements and economic justice, the US is now moving toward “control and domination” of space that will give it the military capability to literally win all wars on the Earth. This is being viewed by most nations in the world as a dangerous unilateral step that in the end will create more global chaos.”

The recent war in Iraq was totally coordinated by space technology. The Pentagon maintains that by “controlling” space and “denying” other nations access to space, the US will control the Earth in order to protect the interests of multi-national corporations.

According to GN Board member Regina Hagen in Darmstadt, Germany, “The picture is becoming clearer all the time. “Missile defense” is the Trojan horse ” the foot in the door ” the way to sell Star Wars as a defensive system. Then, once missile defense is deployed by George W. Bush, offensive systems would be put into motion that would give the US the ability to “negate” the space assets of other nations, including the European Union”s. In the end, hundreds of billions of dollars will be wasted in order to help the US become the “Master of Space”. Now is the time for people around the world to act in order to keep space for peace. Weapons in space will mean more war on the Earth below.”

The Global Network was created in 1992 to oppose the nuclearization and weaponization of space by building an international constituency on the issue. Today the GN has over 170 affiliate groups all over the world. Check the GN website at: http://www.space4peace.org

October 4-11 Local Actions (List in Formation)

1) Albuquerque, N.M. (Oct 10 UNM War research center) trey3@unm.edu
2) Amman, Jordan (Oct 7 Space talk at regional meeting) afodafro@net.sy
3) Ann Arbor, MI (Oct 7 Protest at Federal Building) lynnmeadows@provide.net
4) Asheville, NC (Oct Literature table at Earth Fare) patrie.wncpsr@main.nc.us
5) Baltimore, MD (Oct 4 Demonstration at Ft Meade NSA HQ) mobuszewski@afsc.org
6) Bath Iron Works, Maine (Oct 11 Demonstration & Leafletting) globalnet@mindspring.com
7) Bucharest, Romania (Oct 4-5 Leaflet at University Square) aungiira@yahoo.com
8) Boston, MA (Oct 10-11) Conference “Empire Is Not Healthy For Children And Other Living Things: Exploring the Dynamics and Human Costs of the US Empire” www.afsc.org/pes.htm
9) Brattleboro, VT (Oct 4-5 Table at Food Co-op) mhnelson@sover.net
10) Charlotte, NC (Oct 11 Demo at Lockheed Martin) nomorevictims@yahoo.com
11) Charlottesville, VA (Oct 4 Space video & discussion)
(434) 984-4459
12) Colorado Springs, CO (Oct 6) bsulzman@juno.com
13) Croughton RAF, England (Oct 11 Demonstration) oxcnd@domu.freeserve.co.uk
14) Damascus, Syria (Oct 4 Space talk at peace meeting) afodafro@net.sy
15) Darmstadt, Germany (Oct 6 Leaflet at European Space Operations Center) regina.hagen@jugendstil.da.shuttle.de
16) Darmstadt, Germany (Sept 9 ” Oct 4 Keep Space for Peace exhibition in public library)
17) Davis, CA (Space videos playing on local cable TV throughout week) Jewel@dcn.org
18) Doylestown, PA (Oct 11 Protest at Bucks County Courthouse)
19) Duluth, MN (Oct 4-11 Space Letters to Editor campaign) (218) 728-2039
20) Edwards AFB, CA (Oct 11 vigil) toniflynn@earthlink.net
21) Fairbanks, AK (Oct 10 Space Concert/Video Extravaganza) info@nonukesnorth.net
22) Fayetteville, AR (Space Video showing on community TV throughout week) jbennet@uark.edu
23) Fresno, CA (Oct 8 Space videos shown at Cal State University) vmfout1@sti.net
24) Ft. Wingate, NM (Oct 4-6 Prayer vigil at 7:00 am at BMD entrance) desertpax@usa.com
25) Fylingdales RAF, England (Oct 7-10 Peace camp & demonstration) neil_bye@hotmail.com
26) Greenwich, CT (Oct 19 Community forum) Joonde@optonline.net
27) Harpswell, ME (Space video showing on cable CH 14 throughout week)
28) Hartford, CT (Oct 8 Community forum) vinickm@aol.com
29) Hiroshima, Japan (Oct 4 Video showing & talk) dogwood@muc.biglobe.ne.jp
30) Ithaca, NY
31) Kalamazoo, MI
32) Kennedy Space Center, FL (Oct 11 Vigil & Leaflet at tourist facility) fcpj@earthlink.net
33) Lakenheath AFB, England (Oct 5 Demonstration) dwhiggin@dhiggen.fsnet.co.uk
34) Melbourne, Australia (Oct 11 Keep Space for Peace Picnic outside the Planetarium, Scienceworks) busforspaceweek@ozpeace.net
35) Menlo Park, CA (Oct 4 Raging Grannies sing at Kepler”s Bookstore) certifiedhypnotist@yahoo.com
36) Menwith Hill, England (Oct 11 Demonstration) cndyorks@gn.apc.org caab@btclick.com
37) Molesworth RAF, England (Oct 11 Demonstration) acheetham@beeb.net
38) Moorestown, NJ (Oct 10 Protest at Lockheed Martin) brandywine@juno.com
39) Olympia, WA (Oct 3 Dance of the Peaceable Planets at Urban Onion Ballroom) HollyGG@msn.com
40) Olympia, WA (Oct 8 Vigil at Sylvester Park) HollyGG@msn.com
41) Olympia, WA (Oct 10 Vigil at Percival Landing) HollyGG@msn.com
42) Portland, ME (Oct 8 Vigil & Leaflet at Farmers Market) greg@peaceactionme.org
43) Portland, OR (Oct 1 & 8 Vigil & leafleting in Pioneer Square)
44) Sacramento, CA (Oct 9 Leaflet at K Street Mall) sypeaceact@jps.net
45) Saintes, France (Oct 4 Meeting and symbolic ceremony) acdn.france@wanadoo.fr
46) San Francisco, CA
47) Santa Fe, N.M. (Oct 11 Demonstration at State Capitol) LANLaction@aol.com
48) Seattle, WA (Oct 5 Demo at Volunteer Park) (206) 322-3813
49) Stennis Space Center, MS (Oct 10 Prayer vigil) (504) 866-3596
50) St Louis, MO (Oct 1-2 Educational meeting on space) peaceeconomy@yahoo.com
51) St Louis, MO (Oct 11 Leaflet at Boeing) peaceeconomy@yahoo.com
52) Stockholm, Sweden (Oct 8 Event at House of Solidarity)
53) Stuttgart, Germany (Oct 3 Civil Inspection Team at EUCOM) Wolfgang.Schlupp-Hauck@t-online.de
54) Sunnyvale, CA (Oct 3 Demo at Lockheed Martin) (408) 998-8504
55) Sydney, Australia (Oct 11 Public Meeting at NSW Teachers Club)
56) Toledo, OH (Oct 4-11 Daily vigil at Kabuki sculpture)
57) Tucson, AZ (Oct 13 Protest at Raytheon) birnie@gci-net.com
58) Valley Forge, PA (Oct 6 Protest at Lockheed Martin)
59) Vandenberg AFB, CA (Oct 11 Demonstration) (805) 688-2520
60) Westfield, MA (Oct 9 Demo at Barnes AFB) ChadAmherst@aol.com
61) Woodstock, VT (Oct 3 Community forum) pleasantstbooks@valley.net

For More Information, contact:
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652, Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 729-0517, (352) 871-7554 (Cell Phone)
http://www.space4peace.org, globalnet@mindspring.com