Bush Offers Venezuelan Terrorists Asylum in US

January 24th, 2004 - by admin

by Eva Golinger / Venezuela Electronic News –


Bush Harbors ‘Friendly’ Terrorists while Claiming to Lead ‘War Against Terror’

As Bush continues to increase his defense budget by billions and justifies unwarranted aggression and violence against other nations as part of his ‘war against terror, the US Department of Homeland Security looks the other way as terrorists flood through the arrival gates in Miami.

The US Citizenship & Immigration Services … the division of the Department of Homeland Security that handles asylum petitions and immigration matters … is currently considering asylum applications filed by two terror suspects fleeing from justice in Venezuela. An Interpol alert has been issued for the two rebel military officers who are suspects in the terrorist attacks against the Spanish Embassy and Consulate of Colombia in Caracas last February.

Major newspapers in the US are not reporting that Venezuelan military rebels and suspected terrorists Jose Antonio Colina and German Varela may very well soon be lawful permanent US residents … shacked up in the safe-haven of Miami … along with fellow fugitive from justice, Carlos Fernandez — one of the leaders of a business lock-out and sabotage of Venezuela’s oil industry which caused $10 billion in losses last year … who is also awaiting his asylum hearing. Varela and Colina are part of a group of military officers who have sought to overthrow the Venezuelan government.

The US media’s conduct comes as no surprise as The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, Newsday and the Washington Post cheered on a short-lived coup d’etat against Chavez Frias in 2002.

Some of them later apologized when the pro-US dictator was forced to step down by mass mobilizations and Chavez returned to power.

But how can President Bush claim to be fighting a war against terrorism and, at the same time, welcome terror suspects and coup leaders conspiring against democratic governments with open arms?

Please write a brief letter to the editor of one of these newspapers, and let them know that they’re failing the American public by ignoring this news:

o The New York Times: letters@nytimes.com
o USA Today: editor@usatoday.com
o The Houston Chronicle: viewpoints@chron.com
o The San Francisco Chronicle: letters@sfchronicle.com
o The Los Angeles Times: letters@latimes.com
o The Chicago Tribune: ctc-TribLetter@Tribune.com
o The Washington Post: letters@washpost.com
o Newsday: letters@newsday.com
o The New York Daily News: voicers@edit.nydailynews.com
o The New York Post: letters@nypost.com
o The Wall Street Journal: wsj.ltrs@wsj.com

For more information on this story and others related to the Bush administration’s attempts to undermine democracy in Venezuela, see http://www.venezuelanalysis.com/antichavezterror/