US Biodefense Sites Map Updated

May 26th, 2004 - by admin

The Sunshine Project – 2004-05-26 09:29:11

Map of the US Biodefense Program: High Containment Labs and Other Facilities

(May 21, 2004) — A Map of US Biodefense sites is now available under the biodefense tab of the Sunshine Project website. It and an accompanying key may be downloaded in PDF format or viewed as (large) images.

This map is a revised and updated version of the US biodefense program map first published in October 2003.

Two dozen facilities across the country have been added. New types of facilities tracked include open air testing sites. Also added are sites conducting secretive research and/or which appear to be conducting classified studies.

The US biodefense program continues to change and to expand rapidly, including classified research. Thus, it is difficult to comprehensively track. This map is based on open sources and open records requests and is periodically updated. The Sunshine Project believes that it is the best compilation of US biodefense sites that is publicly available. Reader comments and submissions are welcomed and will be incorporated, as appropriate, into future versions.

The direct URL to view the map is: