Stars and Stripes or Skull and Bones?

October 16th, 2004 - by admin

Ralph Nader – 2004-10-16 00:20:51

Statement by Ralph Nader outside the Yale headquarters of the Skull and Bones society.

NEW HAVEN, CT (October 6, 2004) — George W. Bush and John Kerry have been members of the Yale secret society – Skull and Bones – since the late 60s. Hundreds of Bonesmen are in powerful positions at the top echelons of government and business. They are sworn to secrecy throughout their lives, “bound together for life,” says Yale’s William Sloane Coffin.

Skull and Bones alumni have a common drive to get their members into “positions of power” and to have those members hire other members into similar positions of power, says Alexandra Robbins, author of the book, Secrets of the Tomb, and herself a member of another secret society at Yale.

Initiation rituals involve morbid admission of personal sexual experiences and coerced displays of sophomoric masochism and mystical mumbo jumbo, hooded robes and members carrying skulls and bombs [This may be a typo: We suspect the actual word was “bones.” — EAW ed.] according to a remote video of one recent ceremony.

All this might appear like a more extreme version of fraternity capers, but Skull and Bones is far more rigorous, enduring and embracing. Bones’ patriarchs converge on Deer Island, a forty acre “resort” on the St. Lawrence River. This secret society has revealed no limitations on its code of silence.

When asked about their membership in Skull and Bones, George W. Bush only said “it’s so secret I can’t talk about it.” Kerry was asked what it meant that both he and Bush are Bonesmen, he responded, “Not much because it’s a secret.”

When it comes to election campaigns and elected offices, principles of openness are supposed to operate in a democratic society. A secret society of powerful personages running for office or holding office raises several important questions:

• 1. How inclusive is this oath of secrecy?
• 2. Does this oath extend to member’s political and business careers?
• 3. What are the sanctions for breeching the secrecy? Do they extend to members political and business responsibilities?
• 4. Are Bonesmen expected to preferentially advance or select people for responsible positions who are Skull and Bones Patriarchs rather than base their choices on the merits of the various applicants for positions?
• 5. What general subject matters and roles of Bonesmen are outside the oath of secrecy or code of silence?
• 6. How do Bonesmen rank the oath to Skull and Bones when they have to take oaths to public office?
• 7. When oaths conflict, which takes precedence? Which takes their allegiance?

These are questions that cannot be cavalierly dismissed by Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry; if they cannot or will not answer them they should resign their membership in Skull and Bones publicly and immediately.