Janice Matthews / Americans for Truth and Integrity – 2004-12-12 20:41:51
(December 12, 2004) — On August 31, 2004, during the Republican National Convention in New York City, Denis Kyne, Gulf War I Veteran, was arrested on the steps of the New York City Public Library and charged with seven different misdemeanor and violation offenses, including Riot in the Second Degree, Resisting Arrest, Obstructing Governmental Administration, and Disorderly Conduct.
If you are not familiar with Dennis, please check out http://www.denniskyne.com
The accusatory instrument in his criminal case says that Dennis was observed “yelling and screaming and behaving in a violent, tumultuous, and threatening manner, as follows:
Inciting a crowd by yelling: ‘Look what they are doing. The government is taking away our rights. They lied to you; they lied to me.'” The further charge states that his “conduct created a public disturbance and inconvenience in that it caused a crowd to gather, disruption of the normal flow of traffic, and people to express alarm.”
Dennis is represented by civil rights attorneys Gideon Orion Oliver and Lewis B. Oliver, Jr. Gideon Oliver was a Legal Observer for the National Lawyers Guild throughout the Republican National Convention protests. They are also among the team of National Lawyers Guild attorneys working on the recently filed Federal class action lawsuit representing all those individuals falsely arrested and held in horrendous conditions at Pier 57 beyond the 24 hours allowed by the Constitution of the State of New York.
A copy of the complaint is available online at http://www.nlgnyc.org/pdf/rncclassactioncomplaint.pdf.
Initial motions for dismissal of the charges against Dennis in Manhattan Criminal Court were denied, although the Court may hear an additional motion for dismissal of some of the charges against him based on the First Amendment to the United States Constitution prior to his trial.
Dennis reappeared before the Criminal Court in November, and the District Attorney dropped the Riot in the Second Degree charge. However, Dennis still faces six criminal charges, some of which carry potential penalties of up to a year in jail.
Dennis’s trial is currently scheduled to commence at 9:30AM on Monday, December 13, 2004 in Part C at the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse located at 100 Centre Street in downtown New York City.
How to Help Dennis
The New York City Criminal Court and the New York City District Attorney need to know that WE, THE PEOPLE, ARE WATCHING these proceedings.
The current American judiciary will only act responsibly if they know we are holding them accountable.
Just a few months ago, the People supported 9/11 Truth Presidential Candidate John Buchanan, who was being charged with 12 unfounded felony counts and, partly due to the overwhelming response of the people, the Judge THREW OUT THE CASE!! Don’t underestimate the power we hold as the ultimate employers of our court system representatives!
• It is important that we have a strong physical presence at Dennis’s trial. If anyone can make it, or talk someone else into making it, thank you.
• For more details on this case, listen to Dennis tonight at 8:00 PM EST on www.truthradio.org, the Jeremy Floyd Show; or the archive of Dennis and one of his attorneys on the Power Hour with Joyce Riley, which aired on November 16, 2004 (). The discussion includes info on what is happening with the case now and what was happening in New York during the Republican National Convention.
• DONATE!! As he has done for many years, Dennis is still traveling the country broadcasting the need for transparency and truth on Veterans’ issues and the state of America, and just spoke at the School Of America protest this year as well. Dennis has always paid his own way, with help from all of you. The private legal advice he is getting is 100% funded from donations. If you can help, and encourage others to help as well, Dennis can receive donations at: PO Box 720254; San Jose, CA 95172.
• Buy Dennis’ excellent book, Support the Truth and check out his CD by the same name. Details at www.denniskyne.com, and available at Amazon.com. Review the photos and stories on his website, and for much more information check out www.TraprockPeace.org
Thank you all for responding, and for forwarding this to every email address you can find! Stand by for an update on Monday, depending upon the course of the trial on that day. It’s only through standing together that we can fight the ensuing police state and restore our Constitution and Civil Liberties!!
Toward peace through truth,
Janice Matthews
Just Another American for Truth and Integrity
Kansas City, MO, (816) 444.3249