ACTION ALERT: Downing Street Minutes to Hit House Floor June 28th

June 28th, 2005 - by admin – 2005-06-28 09:04:47


Downing Street Minutes to Hit House Floor June 28th

(June 27, 2005) — Congressman John Conyers, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and Congresswoman Barbara Lee are asking their colleagues in the House of Representatives to join them on the evening of June 28 to discuss the Downing Street Minutes on the floor of the House.

They need our help.

• Please contact your Congress Member right away and ask them to contact the Judiciary Committee staff and commit to taking part.
Phone: 1-877-762-8762

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Below is a letter that has been circulated to Congress members:

Join the ‘Out of Iraq’ Caucus On June 28, 2005
For an Hour of Special Order on the Downing Street Minutes

Dear Democratic Colleague:

(June 24, 2005) — Please join the ‘Out of Iraq’ Caucus this Tuesday, June 28th for a Special Order hour on the Downing Street Minutes. The Democratic hour for these remarks is scheduled for the second hour of the Special Orders, which will commence immediately after votes for the day have ended

Over the past month, 128 Members of Congress, along with some 560,000 citizens have sent letters to the President demanding a response to reports of a pre-war deal between Great Britain and the United States and to evidence that pre-war intelligence was intentionally manipulated. All of these letters have gone unanswered.

Given the importance of these matters, we believe it is incumbent upon Congress to discuss these issues in a public and forthright manner. We hope you will join us in this hour of Special Orders.

To reserve time during the Special Order, please contact Stacey Dansky or Adam Cohen of the Judiciary Committee staff at 225-6906. Thank you.


• John Conyers, Jr.
Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary

• Maxine Waters
Member, Committee on the Judiciary

• Barbara Lee
Member, Committee on International Relations

Will the Democratic leaders who are distancing themselves from the Dr. Dean and the truth, please do so as soon as you can, so we can find your replacements as soon as possible.

Letter to Congress:
Investigate Bush’s Iraq War Lies

I urge Congress to adopt this Resolution of Inquiry: Whereas considerable evidence has emerged that George W. Bush, President of the United States, has engaged in a conspiracy to deceive and mislead the United States Congress and the American people as to the basis for taking the nation into war against Iraq,

that George W. Bush, President of the United States, has manipulated intelligence so as to allege falsely a national security threat posed to the United States by Iraq, and

that George W. Bush, President of the United States, has committed a felony by submitting a false report to the United States Congress on the reasons for launching a first-strike invasion of Iraq:

Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary is directed to investigate and report to the House of Representatives whether sufficient grounds exist to impeach George W. Bush, President of the United States.

Upon completion of such investigation, that Committee shall report thereto, including, if the Committee so determines, articles of impeachment.