ACTION ALERT: Demand US Health Care for Women Veterans

May 25th, 2008 - by admin

– 2008-05-25 15:47:39

VA Denies Women Vets Post-war
Sexual/mental Trauma & Physical Health Care:
US Senate Aims to Improve Situation

(May 24, 2008) — Thousands of female veterans are routinely denied appropriate physical and mental health care as well as treatment for rape and sexual trauma suffered in the course of war at the hands of their male counterparts and commanding officers.

The Women Veterans Health Care Improvement Act of 2008 (S.2799), bipartisan legislation introduced in the Senate last month, will dramatically increase the care available to our women veterans, including authorizing programs to improve care for Military Sexual Trauma. Veteran advocates urge people to promote passage of S.2799 and ask everyone to sign on to a petition now being circulated in support of this vital legislation.

We ask that you take the time to read and sign on to the attached petition demanding better health care for America’s women veterans. Now is the time for the all of us to stand up for the women who have the courage to stand up for the U.S.

Patricia Axelrod Director, The Desert Storm Think Tank and Veterans Advocate Reno, NV. 775-412-5980

Make the Veterans Health Care System Serve Women, Too!
LiAnna / Care2 Action Alerts

(May 23, 2008) — The fastest growing group of people serving in America’s military is women. More than 155,000 women have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan since 2002. Veterans Administration officials estimate that the number of female veterans who use VA services will double in the next five years. Our women veterans face unique physical and mental health care needs, especially in regards to Military Sexual Trauma.

Urge your Senator to improve the health care for our women veterans >>

About one in every three female veterans who sought health care from the VA said they experienced rape or attempted rape during their service. Of that group, 37 percent reported they were raped multiple times and 14 percent said they were gang-raped.

One study concluded that sexual assault is 3 to 10 times more prevalent for women serving in the armed forces than for women in the general population. The Women Veterans Health Care Improvement Act of 2008 (S.2799), a bipartisan legislation introduced in the Senate last month, will dramatically increase the care available to our women veterans, including authorizing programs to improve care for Military Sexual Trauma.

The bill will also increase research on the current barriers to care and expand staff positions for women at the VA. Give women veterans the access to the care they need!

Sign today.

Thank you for doing your part to change the VA system to meet women veterans’ needs

• P.S. Send this petition to a friend!