Top Secret Tourism: Your Travel Guide to Germ Warfare Laboratories, Clandestine Aircraft Bases and Other Places in the United States You’re Not Supposed to Know About

February 25th, 2009 - by admin

Harry Helms / Review – 2009-02-25 23:02:56

Top Secret Tourism: Your Travel Guide to Germ Warfare Laboratories, Clandestine Aircraft Bases and Other Places in the United States You’re Not Supposed to Know About

From the Publisher:
“Harry Helms comes across neither as a conspiracy theorist nor as a militia member holed up inside a Montana bunker, but as a serious thinker who has done his homework.”

Here is the unseen America of government facilities and installations protected by a wall of secrecy, deception, and misinformation. It includes huge, isolated areas (some larger than the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island), along with innocuous office buildings located in the middle of major cities. This “other America” has an enormous impact on your life, but you probably have little idea of its extent, scope, and power.

This book invites you to visit this top-secret America. Listings are by state, and each facility/site entry gives its history, discusses the activities carried on there, explores various rumors, and provides maps and directions to every location.

None of the intelligence here was taken from classified sources; everything was on the public record and obtained through visits and patient digging. Since the 9/11 attacks, much of this information was removed from public dissemination. To those who think that a book like this discloses vital government secrets, author Harry Helms says: “Get real. If I can find this stuff out, the Russians, Chinese, and various terrorist groups also found it out a long time before I did.”

Adventurous travelers and truth-seekers will want to know how to navigate within top-secret America.

From an online reviewer:

This book is an outstanding guide to all the all-too-real top secret government-controlled spots in the United States, from underground bases, to nuclear testing sites, to creepy office buildings, to fortified areas built just to ensure “continuity of government” in case of an apocalypse.

It’s well-written, funny, sarcastic, and interesting. It features maps, good driving directions, and lots and lots of very strange and interesting information.

It is NOT, as one of this book’s more asinine reviewers has suggested, a handbook for terrorists full of privately obtained and otherwise unavailable information. Everything within its pages is from public files or from the author’s own observations.

For New Mexico alone, my home state, I learned a ton that I had never known before — the Air Force Base in my hometown of Albuquerque has the world’s largest wooden object in the world (?!) and more nuclear weapons than any other place in the country, a hippie was caught living in cave right on the property of Los Alamos National Labs, the residual radioactive materials at one of New Mexico’s underground nuclear tests are considered to be a dangerous collection point for such materials by terrorists, and the UFO that Lonnie Zamora allegedly saw in Socorro, NM a couple of decades ago could have been a moon-landing device prototype.

This was a great book. I’m glad I bought it.