June becomes Deadliest Month of Afghan War for US/NATO

July 10th, 2010 - by admin

The Associated Press & Rethink Afghanistan – 2010-07-10 18:32:12


KABUL, Afghanistan (June 24, 2010) — June has become the deadliest month of the Afghan war for the NATO-led international military force.

An Associated Press count based on announcements by the alliance and national commands shows 76 international service members have died this month. The total includes 46 Americans.

The previous deadliest month for the multinational force was July 2009, when 75 troops were killed. For the U.S. contingent, the deadliest month was October 2009, when 59 service members were killed.

Officials Claim “Progress” as June 2010 becomes
Deadliest Month of Afghanistan War for US & Allies.
Who Are They Kidding?

ReThink Afghanistan

(June 24, 2010) — The grim milestones just keep coming in the Afghanistan war: June 2010 is already the deadliest month of the war for US and allied forces. This news follows a new UN report showing that roadside bombs have almost doubled so far this year compared to last year, and that targeted killings have shot up by almost 50 percent.

Civilians continue to be killed in the crossfire at roughly the same rate as last year, despite coalition promises to “protect the population.”

Yet, despite the continued stream of negative reports, Secretary Gates and other Pentagon officials continue to insist we are making “progress” in Afghanistan. Who are they kidding?

Afghanistan is sliding further into chaos, and officials in Washington, DC. seemed determined to ignore the reason: the military-centric counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan is making things worse, not better.

Here are this month’s casualty figures so far, according to the Associated Press:

An Associated Press count based on announcements by the alliance and national commands shows 76 international service members have died this month. The total includes 46 Americans.

The previous deadliest month for the multinational force was July 2009, when 75 troops were killed. For the US contingent, the deadliest month was October 2009, when 59 service members were killed.

This war isn’t making us safer, and it’s not worth the costs. Bring our troops home.

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