ACTION ALERT: No Back Door to War

March 7th, 2013 - by admin

Rebecca Griffin / Peace Action West – 2013-03-07 01:13:56

WASHINGTON, DC (March 6, 2013) — The response to our call to action to stop a backdoor to war with Iran has been tremendous. Thank you so much for contacting your senators.

We can’t let up now. If we want to stop this blank check for war in its tracks, we need to make it toxic for senators to support.

Some senators will argue that this bill isn’t a step toward war. But the lead sponsor, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made disturbing comments to Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin: “‘You have to build a case,’ he explained: First, you rule out containment, then pledge support to Israel, and if that doesn’t work, tell Obama, ‘Mr. President, here’s authorization.'” [1]

Can you forward the email below to your friends and urge them to take action? Just forward it to your contacts right from your email, with a quick note about why you think this action is important.

Thousands of people will be lobbying senators this week to support a backdoor to war with Iran.

Take action now to tell your senators to oppose this dangerous legislation.

The run-up to war doesn’t happen overnight. It’s made up of small steps to slowly build acceptance for the idea of military action.

A group of senators have introduced just such a bill that urges US military and other support if Israel attacks Iran. Tell your senators to oppose this backdoor to war with Iran.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a powerful lobbying group with hawkish positions on Iran, is marching on the Hill this week, bringing thousands of supporters to DC to lobby in favor of this bill.

It is very difficult for senators to say no to pressure to support this bill if they aren’t hearing from the other side. Your senators need to hear from you right now.

While the resolution is nonbinding, it sends a very dangerous message. When powerful senators from both parties officially announce that the US should back Israel in the event of an ill-conceived attack on Iran, it undermines ongoing diplomatic efforts and normalizes the idea of bombing Iran.

We know an attack on Iran would be shortsighted and tragic. Let your senators know you’re not going to sit back quietly while they take us on a path toward war.

Take action now.

Rebecca Griffin, Political Director
Peace Action West • 2201 Broadway, Ste 321 Oakland, CA 94612 • 800.949.9020

National Security Brief:
GOP Senator Says Iran Resolutions Meant To
‘Build A Case’ For War Authorization


WASHINGTON, DC (March 5, 2013) — Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) are planning to introduce a resolution urging the US government to back Israel, militarily if necessary, should Israel “be compelled to take military action” against Iran “in self-defense.” Graham told the Washington Post on Monday what “self-defense” means:

“If Israel acts in its own defense — even preemptively — we will support Israel economically, diplomatically, and politically.”

So essentially Graham wants to commit the United States to another war in the Middle East at Israel’s choosing. But in the same article, the South Carolina Republican explained what these resolutions on Iran are all about:

On his Iran resolutions, Graham favor step-by-step approach. “You have to build a case,” he explained: First, you rule out containment, then pledge support to Israel, and if that doesn’t work, tell Obama, “Mr. President, here’s authorization.”

So it seems Graham and his colleagues are basically using a piecemeal approach in an effort to making going to war with Iran a more mainstream position. Daniel Larison at the American Conservative explains why this is significant: “The foundations for terrible policy decisions are often laid years before the final decision is taken, and if we don’t pay attention to how those foundations are laid we won’t be prepared to stop the next awful policy in the future.”

In other news:

The Wall Street Journal reports: New bus lines for Palestinians, created at the urging of Jewish settler leaders in the West Bank, have sparked a debate over segregation in Israel and refocused attention on the inequalities that govern Palestinians and Israelis in the territory.

Politico reports: Israelis have been waiting for more than four years for a visit from President Barack Obama — but if their leaders can’t agree soon on a government, they may have to wait even longer.

The Washington Post reports: China’s military spending will grow by 10.7 percent this year — a notable increase in the face of sluggish economic growth — according to official reports delivered Tuesday at the kickoff of a two-week meeting that will culminate in the elevation of China’s new president and premier.

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