Indiscriminate Killing of Gaza Civilians Brings Worldwide Condemnation

July 22nd, 2014 - by admin

Common Dreams & Global Research – 2014-07-22 12:32:56

“Indiscriminate” Bombing in Gaza Pushes Death Toll Beyond 500
More than 500 Palestinians now dead as sealed-off territory becomes open battlefield; Calls for immediate cease-fire go out, but violence continues
Jon Queally / Common Dreams

(July 21, 2014) — Intense shelling and aerial assaults that claimed hundreds of lives over the weekend continued in the Gaza Strip on Monday, pushing the number of Palestinians killed by Israel’s ‘Operation Protective Edge’ beyond 500 people, with many thousands wounded, since it began on July 8.

In the Gaza City suburb of Shuja’iyya on Sunday,more than 120 Palestinians — at least 40 of whom where women and children — were killed during intense and reportedly “indiscriminate” bombing by Israeli forces. The Ma’an News Agency reports that overall, 150 Palestinians were killed across the territory on Sunday.

“It was a night of horror,” one 50 year-old Palestinian from the city of Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza told Reuters.

According to the New York Times on Monday, “Israel has lost 18 soldiers so far, as well as two citizens killed by rocket and mortar fire.”

Late on Sunday, the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting over the crisis in Gaza and demanded all parties agree to an immediate cease fire. The council, however, did not pick up an official resolution offered by Jordan which put forth stronger language condemning the violence against civilians in Gaza and called for a lifting of the siege that prevents people from leaving the enclave that has now become an open battlefield.

In a statement, the France-based medical relief agency Doctors Without Borders/MSF called on Israel to immediately stop bombing the civilian population trapped in the sealed-off Gaza strip and to respect the safety of medical workers and health facilities working there.

“Shelling and air strikes are not only intense but are also unpredictable, which makes it very difficult for MSF and other medical workers to move and provide much needed emergency care,” said Nicolas Palarus, MSF field coordinator in Gaza.

“While official claims that the objective of the ground offensive is to destroy tunnels into Israel,” Palarus continued, “what we see on the ground is that bombing is indiscriminate and that those who die are civilians.”

UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon, speaking in Doha on Sunday, made his strongest comments yet on Israel’s military assault, calling for an end to the campaign that has now killed hundreds of civilians and wounded thousands, including a huge numbers of children.

“I condemn this atrocious action,” Ban said. “Israel must exercise maximum restraint and do far more to protect civilians.”

Both US Secretary of State John Kerry and President Barack Obama have also backed the latest calls for a cease fire and expressed “concern” for the increasing numbers of civilian casualties, but continued to stop short of condemning Israeli’s aggressive tactics.

In a call with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday, according to the White House, Obama raised “serious concern” about the growing number of casualties on both sides, including increasing Palestinian civilian deaths in Gaza and the loss of Israeli soldiers, but reaffirmed the US position that Israel has a “right to defend itself.”

Kerry was on his way to Cairo on Monday to engage with regional leaders gathered there to work on the possibility of a negotiated settlement. Kerry made headlines on Sunday for what were described as “unguarded” comments made to a senior aide in which he was shown expressing frustration over the increasing numbers of civilians deaths caused by Israel’s attack. “It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation, it’s a hell of a pinpoint operation,” Kerry said, seeming to challenge the repeated claims made by Israeli officials.

Gaza Invasion Resulted in Carloads with Maimed, Torn-Apart, Bleeding, Dying Innocent Civilians, Says Norwegian Doctor
Mads Gilbert / Middle East Monitor & Global Research

(July 21, 2014) — Dearest friends,

The last night was extreme. The “ground invasion” of Gaza resulted in scores and carloads with maimed, torn apart, bleeding, shivering, dying — all sorts of injured Palestinians, all ages, all civilians, all innocent.

The heroes in the ambulances and in all of Gaza’s hospitals are working 12-24 hour shifts, grey from fatigue and inhuman workloads (without payment all in Shifa for the last 4 months), they care, triage, try to understand the incomprehensible chaos of bodies, sizes, limbs, walking, not walking, breathing, not breathing, bleeding, not bleeding humans. HUMANS!

Now, once more treated like animals by “the most moral army in the world” (sic!).

My respect for the wounded is endless, in their contained determination in the midst of pain, agony and shock; my admiration for the staff and volunteers is endless, my closeness to the Palestinian “sumud” gives me strength, although in glimpses I just want to scream, hold someone tight, cry, smell the skin and hair of the warm child, covered in blood, protect ourselves in an endless embrace — but we cannot afford that, nor can they.

Ashy grey faces — Oh NO! Not one more load of tens of maimed and bleeding, we still have lakes of blood on the floor in the ER, piles of dripping, blood-soaked bandages to clear out — oh — the cleaners, everywhere, swiftly shovelling the blood and discarded tissues, hair, clothes, cannulas — the leftovers from death — all taken away . . . to be prepared again, to be repeated all over.

More then 100 cases came to Shifa in the last 24 hrs. Enough for a large well trained hospital with everything, but here — almost nothing: no electricity, water, disposables, drugs, OR-tables, instruments, monitors — all rusted and as if taken from museums of yesterday’s hospitals. But they do not complain, these heroes. They get on with it, like warriors, head on, enormously resolute.

And as I write these words to you, alone, on a bed, my tears flow, the warm but useless tears of pain and grief, of anger and fear. This is not happening!

And then, just now, the orchestra of the Israeli war-machine starts its gruesome symphony again, just now: salvos of artillery from the navy boats just down on the shores, the roaring F16, the sickening drones (Arabic ‘Zennanis’, the hummers), and the cluttering Apaches. So much made in and paid by the US.

Mr. Obama — do you have a heart?

I invite you — spend one night — just one night — with us in Shifa. Disguised as a cleaner, maybe.

I am convinced, 100%, it would change history.

Nobody with a heart AND power could ever walk away from a night in Shifa without being determined to end the slaughter of the Palestinian people.

But the heartless and merciless have done their calculations and planned another “dahyia” onslaught on Gaza.

The rivers of blood will keep running the coming night. I can hear they have tuned their instruments of death.

Please. Do what you can. This, THIS cannot continue.

Mads Gilbert MD PhD
Professor and Clinical Head
Clinic of Emergency Medicine
University Hospital of North Norway

Protests around the World Respond to Assault on Palestine
Global Research

(July 19, 2014) — Protests are being organized in cities around the world to respond to the ongoing assault on Palestine and the Palestinian people, including the murders of Palestinians (including 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir, murdered brutally by Israeli settlers), the bombing of Gaza and the killing of over 300 Palestinians by occupation forces, the mass arrests of over 1000, and the raids, attacks, tear-gassing, invasions and closure that Palestinians are being subjected to.

If a rally you know of is not listed, please email to have it posted!

Columbus, OH, US
Saturday, July 19
4:00 PM
Holiday Inn Columbus Downtown Capitol Square, 175 East Town Street, Columbus
More info:

Charlotte, NC, US
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
300 S Church St, Charlotte
More info:

Denver, Colorado
Saturday, July 19
12:30 PM
Capital Hill

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Saturday, July 19
1:00 PM
Canadian Museum for Human Rights
More info:

Des Moines, IA, US
Saturday, July 19
8:00 AM
Des Moines Farmers Market
More info:

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Saturday, July 19
9:30 PM
Halifax Public Gardens
More info:

San Antonio, TX, US
Saturday, July 19
12:00 PM
Alamo Plaza
More info:

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US
Saturday, July 19
6:00 PM
Federal Courthouse
More info:

Richmond, VA, US
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Richmond City Hall
More info:

Las Vegas, NV, US
Saturday, July 19
5:30 PM
Lloyd D George US Federal Courthouse
More info:

New York City, NY, US
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Times Square, 42nd & 7th
More info:

Vancouver, Canada (unceded Coast Salish territories)
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
Vancouver Art Gallery (Robson Side @ Hornby & Robson)
More info:

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Saturday, July 19
1:00 PM
Hamilton City Hall (outdoor plaza), 71 Main St. West
More info:

Seattle, WA, US
Saturday, July 19
12:00 PM
401 Pine Street, Seattle
More info:

Indianapolis, Indiana, US
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
Monument Circle
More info:

Montreal, Quebec
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
Parc Jarry, coin St Laurent/Gary Carter
More info:

Providence, RI, US
Saturday, July 19
12:00 PM
Burnside Park
More info:

Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Saturday, July 19
12:00 PM
Saskatoon City Hall
More info:

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
180 Bloor Street
More info:

Washington, DC, US
Saturday, July 19
1:00 PM (Driving rally)
George Mason University
More info:

Victoria, BC, Canada
Saturday, July 19
12:00 PM (arrival at 1 is OK)
BC Legislature

Nanaimo, BC, Canada
Saturday, July 19
12:00 PM
Diana Krall Plaza

Bonn, Germany
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Munsterplatz mit Rupert Neudeck
More info:

Dortmund, Germany
Saturday, July 19
1:00 PM
More info:

Freiburg, Germany
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
More info:

Gottingen, Germany
Saturday, July 19
3:30 PM
More info:

Mannheim, Germany
Saturday, July 19
5:00 PM
Am Wasserturm
More info:

Innsbruck, Austria
Saturday, July 19
4:00 PM
Tiroler Landestheater
More info:

Reggio Emilia, Italy
Saturday, July 19
4:00 PM
Via Emilia San Pietro
More info:

Helsinki, Finland
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Parliament House, Helsinki
More info:

Brussels, Belgium
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
Brussels Stalingrad Avenue
More info:

Marseille, France
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Vieux Port
More info:

Nice, France
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Place Massena
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Turin, Italy
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Porto Palazzo Place

Wien (Vienna), Austria
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
More info:

Freiburg, Germany
Saturday, July 19
2:00 pm
Mahnwache / Kundgebung
More info:

Berlin, Germany
Saturday, July 19
6 pm
public event on challenging the media bias
More info:

Melbourne, Australia
Saturday, July 19
1:00 PM
State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston St
More info:

Osnabrück, Germany
Saturday, July 19
3:30 PM

Naples, Italy
Saturday, July 19
10:30 AM
Square Garibaldi

Gothenburg, Sweden
Saturday, July 19
2:30 PM

Tucumán, Argentina
Saturday, July 19
11:00 AM
Peatonal (Muñecas y Mendoza).
More info:

Casablanca, Morocco
Saturday, July 19
10:00 PM
More info:

Pietermaristzburg, South Africa
Saturday, July 19
11:00 AM
City Hall
More info:

Omegna, Italy
Saturday, July 19
2:30 PM
Omegna piazza XXIV Aprile
More info:

Palermo, Italy
Saturday, July 19
7:30 PM
Piazza Giuseppe Verdi
More info:

São Paulo, Brazil
Saturday, July 19
1:00 PM
Concentração Em Frente Ao Portão 2 Da Rede Globo
Na Avenida Chucri Zaidan N. 46, São Paulo

Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
12:00 PM
Grafton Street
More info:

Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
The Spire, O’Connell Street
More info:

Belfast, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
City Hall
More info:

Cork, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
Daunt Square
More info:

Sligo, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
More info:

Derry, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
Derry Peace Bridge
More info:

Lurgan, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Market Street
More info:

Castlebar, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
4:00 PM
Market Square
More info:

Ashbourne, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
1:00 PM
More info:

Carlow, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
11:30 AM
Liberty Tree
More info:

Cahir, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
1:30 PM
Cahir Square
More info:

Ennis, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
O’Connell Square
More info:

Derby, UK
Saturday, July 19
12:00 PM
Derby Council House, Corporation St
More info:

Bordeaux, France
Saturday, July 19
4:00 PM
Place de la Victoire
More info:

London, UK
Saturday, July 19
12:00 PM
Downing Street, London
More info:

Glasgow, Scotland
Saturday, July 19
1:00 PM
Buchanan Street, Steps to Royal Concert Hall
More info:

Pinetina di Riotorto, Italy
Saturday, July 19
6:00 PM
La Pinetina di Ritorto (LI)
More info:

Bergamo, Italy
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
Presidio a Piazzale della Stazione

Avignon, France
Saturday, July 19
11:00 AM
Gare Centre Ville
More info:

Rouen, France
Saturday, July 19
5:00 PM
Place Joffre — Mutualite Rouen
More info:

Auckland, New Zealand
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
Aotea square
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Manchester, UK
Saturday, July 19
12:00 PM
Piccadilly Gardens
More info:

Canberra, Australia
Saturday, July 19
12:00 PM
Petrie Plaza Canberra
More info:

Paris, France (*currently facing police repression*)
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
A Metro Barbes
More info:

Montpellier, France
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Place de la Comedie
More info:

Orleans, France
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Place du Martroi
More info:

Bristol, UK
Saturday, July 19
10:30 AM
Shah Jalal Mosque

Lyon, France
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Place bellecour
More info:

Tours, France
Saturday, July 19
4:00 PM
Place J. Jaures
More info:

Rennes, France
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Place de la Mairie
More info:

Reims, France
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Place d’Erlon
More info:

Montbeliard, France
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
Place Saint Martin, a la Mairie
More info:

Strasbourg, France
Saturday, July 19
3:00 PM
Place Kleber
More info:

Perth, Australia
Saturday, July 19
11:00 AM
Murray Street Mall
More info:

Limerick, Ireland
Saturday, July 19
2:00 PM
Thomas Street
More info;

San Francisco, CA
Sunday, July 20
3:00 PM
San Francisco Ferry Building
More info:

Washington, DC
Sunday, July 20
3:00 PM
US State Department, 22nd and C Street
More info:

Kansas City, Missouri
Sunday, July 20
3 PM
J.C. Nichols Memorial Fountain
More info:

Chicago, IL, US
Sunday, July 20
3:00 PM
Tribune Tower, 435 N Michigan
More info:

Miami, FL, US
Sunday, July 20
3:00 PM

Little Rock, Arkansas, US
Sunday, July 20
12:00 PM
Capital Stairs

Los Angeles, California, US
Sunday, July 20
3:00 PM
Westwood Federal Building
More info:

Wien (Vienna), Austria
Sunday July 20
Wien Westbanhof railway station

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sunday, July 20
3:00 PM
More info:

Aschaffenburg, Germany
Sunday, July 20
2:00 PM
More info:

Salzburg, Germany
Sunday, July 20
3:00 PM
More info:

Dallas, TX, US
Sunday, July 20
4:00 PM
Grassy Knoll
More info:

Houston, TX, US
Sunday, July 20
3:00 PM
Starbucks on Westheimer
More info:

St. Louis, MI
Sunday, July 20
5:30 PM
Cicero’s St Louis
More info:

Latina, Italy
Sunday, July 20
6:00 PM
Piazza del Popolo Latina
More info:

Sydney, Australia
Sunday, July 20
1:00 PM
Sydney Town Hall
More info:

Varese, Italy
Sunday, July 20
3:00 PM
Piazza Della Repubblica
More info:

Belfast, Ireland
Sunday, July 20
8:00 PM
BBC Building
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Clones, Ireland
Sunday, July 20
1:30 PM
Clones, County Monaghan
More info:

Cordoba, Spain
Sunday, July 20
12:00 PM
Jardin de los Patos

Brisbane, Australia
Sunday, July 20
1:00 PM
King George Square
More info:

Adelaide, Australia
Sunday, July 20
11:00 AM
Parliament House
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San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy
Sunday, July 20
7:00 PM
Piazza don Giovanni Bosco
More info:

Stockton, CA, US
Monday, July 21
1:00 PM
5151 Pacific Avenue, Stockton

Toledo, Ohio, US
Monday, July 21
5:00 PM
West Central Ave and Secor Road

Nicosia, Cyprus
Monday, July 21
6:15 PM
Israeli Embassy

Baltimore, MD, US
Monday, July 21
5:00 PM
Mckeldin Square
More info:

Vienna (Wien), Austria
Monday, July 21
6:00 PM
Museum Square/Ecke Mariahilferstrasse
More info:

Wexford, Ireland
Monday, July 21
7:00 PM
Wexford Lockout Memorial Gates
More info:

Naas, Ireland
Monday, July 21
7:00 PM
Court House
More info:

Boston, MA, US
Tuesday, July 22
5:30 PM
Copley Square
More info:

Seattle, WA, US
Tuesday, July 22
7:00 PM
1533 Summit Ave
More info:

Honolulu, Hawa’ii
Tuesday, July 22
4:00 PM
Corner of Ala Moana and Atkinson Boulevards
More info:

Newcastle, UK
Tuesday, July 22
5:30 PM
Newcastle City Centre
More info:

Reims, France
Tuesday, July 22
7:00 PM
Mairie de Reims

Bonn, Germany
Wednesday, July 23
5:00 PM
More info:

Bremen, Germany
Wednesday, July 23
6:00 PM
More info:

Genova, Italy
Wednesday, July 23
6:00 PM
Piazza De Ferrari
More info:

Des Moines, IA, US
Wednesday, July 23
10:00 AM
Federal Building
More info:

Minneapolis, MN
Wednesday, July 23
5:00 PM
Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge
More info:

Nottingham, UK
Thursday, July 24
5:30 PM
BBC Centre
More info:

Des Moines, IA, US
Thursday, July 24
4:00 PM
MLK & Ingersoll Ave
More info:

New York City, US
Friday, July 25
4:30 PM
Times Square, Corner of 42nd and 7th
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Houston, TX, US
Friday, July 25
3:30 PM
Corner of Westheimer and Post Oak, Houston, TX

Vancouver, Canada (unceded Coast Salish territories)
Friday, July 25
6:15 PM
Vancouver Art Gallery
More info:

Pretoria, South Africa
Friday, July 25
1:30 PM
428 Kings Highway
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Durban, South Africa
Friday, July 25
1:30 PM
More info:

London, UK
Friday, July 25
3:00 PM
Duchess Street (behind BBC Broadcasting House), March to US Embassy
More info:

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Friday, July 25
6:00 PM
Alberta Legislative Grounds, 10820 98 Ave, Edmonton

Sacramento, CA, US
Friday, July 25
4:00 PM
16th & J Streets

Atlanta, Georgia, US
Friday, July 25
4:00 PM
190 Marietta St NW, CNN Center
More info:

Chicago, IL, US
Friday, July 25
4:00 PM
Richard J Daley Center
More info:

San Francisco, CA
Saturday, July 26
1:00 PM
United Nations Plaza
More info:

Dearborn, MI
Saturday, July 26
3:30 PM
Dearborn City Hall
More info:

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Saturday, July 26
2:00 PM
Queens Park Legislative Building
More info:

Memphis, TN, US
Saturday, July 26
4:30 PM
Poplar and Highland
More info:

Paris, France
Saturday, July 26
2:00 PM
More info:

Montreal, Quebec
Monday, July 28
2:00 PM
Israeli Consulate
More info:

Washington, DC, US
Saturday, August 2
1:00 PM
White House
More info:

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Saturday, August 9
6:00 PM
Celebration Square
More info:

Albany, NY, US
Saturday, August 9
1:00 PM
NY State Capital Building
More info:

Prior protests;

Brooklyn, NY, US — in Bay Ridge
Saturday, July 5
1:30 PM
69th St. at 5th Avenue, to 86th St.
More info:

Chicago, IL, US
Saturday, July 5
3:00 PM
Water Tower Park, Chicago, IL
Protest organized by Students for Justice in Palestine’s Chicago network, and co-organized with local chapters of American Friends Service Committee, American Muslims for Palestine, Jews for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, Palestine Solidarity Group, the US Palestine Community Network, International Socialist Organization, ANSWER Chicago, and the Anti-War Committee.
More info:

Washington, DC, US
Saturday, July 5
4:00 PM
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC
More info:

Seattle, WA, US
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
401 Pine Street, Seattle
More info:

Portsmouth, UK
Saturday, July 5
11:00 AM
Guildhall Square, Portsmouth
More info:

Glasgow, Scotland
Saturday, July 5
1:00 PM
Buchanan Street at Gordon Street, Glasgow City Centre
Initiated by Glasgow Stop the War Coalition
More info:

London, England
Saturday, July 5
2:00 PM
Israeli Embassy, 2 Palace Green, London
Called by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, Friends of Al-Aqsa, London Palestine Action, British Muslim Initiative, Palestinian Forum in Britain, CND,
More info:

Sheffield, UK
Saturday, July 5
12:30 PM
Sheffield Town Hall, Sheffield
More info:

Aberdeen, UK
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
St. Nicholas Square, Aberdeen City Centre
More info:

The Hague, Netherlands
Saturday, July 5
1:00 PM
Den Haag Plein tegenover 2e kamer
Organized by the Palestinian Prisoners Society Netherlands
More info:

Athens, Greece
July 5, 2014
8:00 PM
at the Antiracist Festival, Goudi Park, Athens
Organized by the Ship to Gaza, Intifada Association, Al-Awda and others

Cleveland, Ohio, US
Saturday, July 5
3:00 PM
Public Square, Superior Avenue E, Cleveland, OH
Called by Al-Awda Cleveland

Atlanta, Georgia, US
Saturday, July 5
6:00 PM
Woodruff Park, 91 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, Georgia
More info:

San Francisco, CA, US
Saturday, July 5
3:00 PM
Israeli Consulate, 456 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA
More info:

Indianapolis, Indiana, US
Saturday, July 5
4:00 PM
Monument Circle, Indianapolis, IN

Charlotte, NC, US
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
Marshall Park, 800 E. Third St., Charlotte, NC

Albuquerque, NM, US
Saturday, July 5
12:00 PM
Tulane and Central, Albuquerque, NM
More info:

Omaha, Nebraska, US
Saturday, July 5
4:00 PM
72nd and Dodge, Omaha, Nebraska
More info:

Fort Lauderdale, FL, US
Sunday, July 6
6:00 PM
US Federal Courthouse, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Called by Al-Awda South Florida
More info:

New Orleans, LA, US
Sunday, July 6
2:00 PM
World Trade Center of New Orleans
365 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA

San Francisco, CA, US
Monday, July 7
4:30 PM
Israeli Consulate, 456 Montgomery Street, SF
More info:

Hartford, CT
Monday, June 7
4:30 — 6:00 PM
Old State House, Main Street, Hartford
More info:

Gainesville, FL, US
Monday, July 7
6:00 PM
West University Avenue and 13th St, Gainsville, FL
Called by University of Florida Students for Justice in Palestine

Des Moines, Iowa, US
Monday, July 7
4:00 PM
Federal Building, 210 Walnut Street, Des Moines
More info:

Sacramento, CA, US
Monday, July 7
4:00 PM
501 I Street, Sacramento
More info:

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Monday, July 7
3:00 PM
Embassy of Israel, Chacabuco y Avda, de Mayo, C.A.B.A.

Los Angeles, CA, US
Tuesday, July 8
4:00 PM
Consulate General Of Israel, 11766 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA
More info:

Edmonton, Canada
Tuesday, July 8
7:00 PM
Churchill Square, Edmonton
Organized by Palestine Solidarity Network — Edmonton
More info:

Denver, CO. US
Tuesday, July 8
Detroit & Colfax, in front of East High School, S.E. Corner
Colorado says NO MORE collective punishment of the Palestinians!
Co-organized by Colorado BDS Campaign, DU Students for Justice in Palestine,
Friends of Sabeel-Colo., Middle East Collective, Muslim Student Association
More info:

Seattle, WA
Tuesday, July 8
5-6 pm
NE 45th St Overpass over I-5 — meet on the west side, 5th Ave NE.

Chicago, IL, US
Wednesday, July 9
3:30 PM
Consulate General of Israel, 500 W Madison St, Chicago
More info:

New York, NY, US
Wednesday, July 9
5:30 PM
East 42nd St and 2nd Ave, Israeli Mission to UN, New York, NY
followed by 6:30 PM March to News Corp Building — 48th St and 6th Ave
More info:

Philadelphia, PA, US
Wednesday, July 9
12:30 PM
Walnut and Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA
More info:

Syracuse, NY
Wednesday, July 9
4:00 PM
Federal Building, Corner of Clinton and Washington, Syracuse
More info:

Austin, TX
Wednesday, July 9
11:30 am — 1:30 pm
Texas State Capitol at 11th St. & Congess Ave.
Coordinated by the Interfaith Community for Palestinian Rights, to protest Israel’s current reign of terror in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza
More info:

Berlin, Germany
Wednesday, July 9
6:00 PM — 8:00 PM
Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
Organized by the Palestinian National Action Committee in Berlin

Boston, MA, US
Wednesday, July 9
12:00 PM — 1:15 PM
MBTA Park St Station, Tremont St at Park St, Boston
More info:

Brussels, Belgium
Wednesday, July 9
6:00 PM
Place de Luxembourg, Brussels, Belgium
More info:

Valencia, Spain
Wednesday, July 9
7:30 pm
Plaza de Los Pinazo, Valencia (Delegacio Govern/Metro Colon)
Organized by Comunidad Palestina de Valencia
More info:

Madrid, Spain
Wednesday, July 9
7:00 PM
Plaza de Callao, Madrid
Organized by Plataforma de Solidaridad con Palestina de Madrid y otros colectivos en solidaridad con el pueblo palestino.
More info:

Girona, Catalonia (Spain)
Wednesday, July 9
7:00 PM
Placa del Vi, Girona
More info:

Barcelona, Spain
Wednesday, July 9
7:30 PM
Placa Sant Jaume, Barcelona
More info:

Turin, Italy
Wednesday, July 9
5:30 PM
Ipercoop via Livorno
More info:

Florence, Italy
Wednesday, July 9
6:30 PM
Piazza della Repubblica, Florence
More info:

Genova, Italy
Wednesday, July 9
6:00 PM
Gradini del Palazzo Ducale di Genova
More info:

San Francisco,CA
Wednesday, July 9
5:00 PM
Union Square, corner of Geary and Powell, San Francisco
More info:

Amman, Jordan
Wednesday, July 9
10:00 AM
Israeli Embassy, Amman

Derry, Ireland
Wednesday, July 9
7:00 PM
Guildhall Square, Derry, Ireland
Organized by Ógra Shinn Féin Doire

Sevilla, Spain
Wednesday, July 9
8:30 PM
Plaze Nueva
More info:

Toulouse, France
Thursday, July 10
7:00 PM
Charles de Gaulle Square, Toulouse, France
Called by Coup Pour Coup 31
More info:

Bordeaux, France
Thursday, July 10
6:30 PM
Place Jean Moulin
More info:,23866

Romans-sur-Isère, France
Thursday, July 10
6:00 PM
Place Charles de Gaulle, pied du Jacquemart
More info:,23869

Nimes, France
Thursday, July 10
Carré d’Art
More info:

Besancon, France
Thursday, July 10
6:00 PM
Place Pasteur
More info:

Athens, Greece
Thursday, July 10
6:30 PM
Israeli Embassy, Marathonodromon 1
Called by Network in Solidarity with the Palestinian Resistance
More info:

Salerno, Italy
Thursday, July 10
6:30 PM
Piazza Caduti di Brescia (Pastena)
More info:

Zaragoza, Spain
Thursday, July 10
8:00 PM
Plaza Espana
More info:

Istanbul, Turkey
Thursday, July 10
8:00 PM
Israeli Embassy, Istanbul

New Haven, CT
Thursday, July 10
5:30 — 6:30 PM
Amistad Memorial Statue, 165 Church Street (next to City Hall), New Haven
More info:

Cleveland, OH, US (Protest against AIPAC convention)
Thursday, July 10
4:00 PM
Free Stamp, 9th and Lakeside, Cleveland
Called by Al-Awda Cleveland
More info:

Milwaukee, WI, US
Thursday, July 10
4:30 PM
4th Street and Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee
More info:

Memphis, TN, USA
Thursday, July 10
4:00 PM
Park Ave and South Highland Sts
More info:

Malmö, Sweden
Thursday, July 10
4:00 PM
More info:

Dublin, Ireland
Thursday, July 10
12:30 PM
Outside Kildare Street entrance to Leinster House

Belfast, Ireland
Thursday, July 10
7:00 PM
Old RUC Barracks Site, Andersonstown, Belfast, Ireland
Organized by Mairéad Farrell Republican Youth Committee (Béal Feirste)
More info:

Boston, MA
Friday, July 11
12:00 PM
Israeli Consulate, 20 Park Plaza Suite 1020, Boston, MA
More info:

Boston, MA
Friday, July 11
6:00 PM (continuation of above)
Copley Square
More info:

Toronto, Canada
Friday, July 11
6:00 PM
Royal Ontario Museum, Bloor and Avenue, Toronto (Across from Israeli Consulate)
Organized by Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA)
More info:

Rochester, NY, US
Friday, July 11
4:30 PM
Federal Building

Washington, DC
Friday, July 11
3:00 PM
Israeli Embassy, 3514 International Drive NW
More info:

Greenville, North Carolina
Friday, July 11
2:00 PM
1303 Evens St, Greenville, NC

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Friday, July 11
5:00 PM
Waterloo Public Square, 75 King Street South, Waterloo
Sponsored by U Waterloo Students for Palestinian Rights
More info:

Albuquerque, NM, USA
Friday, July 11
4:30 PM
Menaul and Louisians, Albuquerque
Organized by Students for Justice in Palestine
More info:

Anaheim, California, US
Friday, July 11
2:00 PM
Brookhurst and Ball Streets
More info:

Philadelphia, PA
Friday, July 11
4:00 PM
Israeli Consulate, 1880 John F Kennedy Blvd, Philadelphia
More info:

Pittsburgh, PA, US
Friday, July 11
7:00 PM
3960 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh (Hillman Library)
More info:

Nashville, TN, US
Friday, July 11
4:00 PM
Centennial Park, West End Ave Entrance
More info:

San Diego, CA, USA
Friday, July 11
4:00 PM
880 Front Street, San Diego
More info:

St. Paul, Minnesota, US
Friday July 11
Snelling and Summit Aves.
More info:

Tempe, Arizona, US
Friday, July 11
5:30 PM
University Drive and Mill Avenue, Downtown Tempe
More info:

New York City, NY, US
Friday, July 11
6:00 PM
Union Square, south side, near Broadway
More info:

Tampa, FL, USA
Friday, July 11
4:30 PM
Sam Gibbons Federal Courthouse, 801 N. Florida Avenue
More info:

London, ON, Canada
Friday, July 11
4:30 PM
Victoria Park
More info:

London, UK
Friday, July 11
3:00 PM
G4S Headquarters, 105 Victoria Street, London
Organized by Inminds
More info:

London, UK
Friday, July 11
5:30 PM
Embassy of Israel, London (Nearest tube: High Street Kensington)
More info:

Leicester, UK
Friday, July 11
5:30 PM
Outside clock tower, Leicester city centre

Montreal, Quebec
Friday, July 11
5:30 PM
Metro Guy-Concordia, Montreal
More info:

Bristol, UK
Friday, July 11
6:00 PM
BBC, Whiteladies Road, Bristol
More info:

Athens, Greece
Friday, July 11
7:00 PM
Israeli Embassy, Marathonodromon 1
Called by Palestinian Community in Greece
More info:

Uccle, Belgium
Friday, July 11
12:30 PM
40 avenue de l’Observatoire a Uccle, Sterrenwachtlaan 40 Ukkel
More info:

San Jose, Costa Rica
Friday, July 11
2:00 PM
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, San Jose, Costa Rica
More info:

Bogota, Colombia
Friday, July 11
5:00 PM
Embajada de Israel/Embassy of Israel in Colombia (Cra.7 Cll.32, Bogota)
More info:

Amman, Jordan
Friday, July 11
1:00 PM
Al Kalouti Mosque , Rabyeh
More info:

Bonn, Germany
Friday, July 11
5:00 PM — 6:30 PM
Münsterplatz, Bonn
Organized by the BDS-Group Bonn
More info:

Berlin, Germany
Friday, July 11
6:00 PM
Potsdamer Platz
More info:

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Friday, July 11
6:00 PM
City Hall, Calgary
Sponsored by Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights and Justice for Palestinians
More info:

Ann Arbor, MI, US
Friday, July 11
3:00 PM
University of Michigan Diag

La Paz, Bolivia
Friday, July 11
12:00 PM
Venezuela Square (en el Prado)
More info:

Bobigny, France
Friday, July 11
6:00 PM
Sur la nouvelle place Yasser Arafat — Yitzhak Rabin (face à la salle Pablo Neruda).
More info:

Douai, France
Friday, July 11
5:00 PM
Devant la sous-prefecture, boulevard Albert 1er
More info:

La Rochelle, France
Friday, July 11
6:00 PM
Sur le port de La Rochelle (17) devant la statue Duperre
More info:

Saint-Nazaire, France
Friday, July 11
6:30 PM
Devant le bassin de la mairie de Saint-Nazaire
More info:

Annecy, France
Friday, July 11
6:00 PM
Devant la prefecture d’Annecy
More info:

Birmingham, UK
Friday, July 11
5:30 PM
Outside Waterstones, High Street, near the Bull Ring, Birmingham City Centre
More info:

Geneva, Switzerland
Friday, July 11
4:00 PM
Place des Nations, Geneva

Rome, Italy
Friday, July 11
6:00 PM
Largo Corrado Ricci, Rome
More info:

Pretoria, South Africa
Friday, July 11
1:30 PM
Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO), Union Bldg
Government Ave, Pretoria Central, Pretoria 0002
Called by BDS South Africa
More info:

Brisbane, Australia
Friday, July 11
4:30 PM
King George Square
More info:

Ottawa, Canada (unceded Algonquin territory)
Saturday, July 12
2:00 PM
Human Rights Monument (Elgin/Lisgar), then march at 3:30 PM to Parliament Hill
Sponsored by Students Against Israeli Apartheid
More info:

Fort Worth, TX, US
Saturday, July 12
5:00 PM — 7:00 PM
Tarrant County Courthouse, 100 W. Weatherford St, Arlington, TX
More info:

Houston, TX, US
Saturday, July 12
11:00 AM — 2:00 PM
24 Greenway Plaza, Corner of Weslayan and Norfolk St. (near HWY 59), Houston
More info:

Chicago, IL, US
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
Congress and Michigan
More info:

Portland, OR, US
Saturday, July 12
11:00 AM
Pioneer Square
More info:

Vancouver, BC, Canada, Unceded Coast Salish Territories
Saturday, July 12
2:00 PM
CBC Building, Hamilton & Georgia
More info:

Louisville, Kentucky, US
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
Douglas Loop, 2200 Bardstown Rd

Albuquerque, NM, US
Saturday, July 12
12:00 PM
Tulane and Central, Nob Hill

San Francisco, CA, US
Saturday, July 12
12:00 PM
Justin Herman Plaza, 1 Market Street, SF
More info:

Los Angeles, CA, US
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
Westwood Federal Building, 11000 Wilshire Blvd
More info:

Seattle, WA, US
Saturday, July 12
12:00 PM
Westlake Park
More info:

Washington, DC
Saturday, July 12
1:00 PM
Peace House, 1233 12th St NW
More info:

Regina, SK, Canada
Saturday July 12
7:00 pm
Victoria Park, Regina, SK
More info:

Racine, Wisconsin, US
Saturday, July 12
10:00 AM
Northwest Corner, Intersection of Highways 20 and 31
More info:

Indianapolis, IN, US
Saturday, July 12
at Banker’s Life Fieldhouse, corner of East Georgia and South Pennsylvania Sts
More info:

Columbia, South Carolina, US
Saturday, July 12
10:45 AM — 12 Noon
SC State House, 1100 Gervais Street, Columbia
More info:

Atlanta, Georgia, US
Saturday, July 12
12:30 PM
Woodruff Park, 91 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta
More info:

Manchester, UK
Saturday, July 12
2:00 PM
Picadilly Gardens, move to BBC Headquarters in Salford Media City
More info:

Brighton, UK
Saturday, July 12
11.00am — 1.00pm
War Memorial, Old Steine, Brighton
More info:

Frome, UK
Saturday, July 12
11:00 AM
Outside Oxfam, Frome Town Centre

Cambridge, UK
Saturday, July 12
11:00 AM
Guildhall, Cambridge market square

Bristol, UK
Saturday, July 12
12:00 noon
Sainsbury, Triangle Clifton
More info:

Sheffield, UK
Saturday, July 12
12:00 PM
Town Hall, Sheffield

Leeds, UK
Saturday, July 12
12:00 PM
Dortmund Square, The Headrow
More info:

Glasgow, Scotland
Saturday, July 12
1:00 PM
Buchanan and Gordon Streets, Glasgow City Centre
More info:

Edinburgh, Scotland
Saturday, July 12
1:00 PM
The Mound
More info:

Dundee, Scotland
Saturday, July 12
12:00 PM
Boots Corner/City Square, Dundee City Centre
More info:

Aberdeen, Scotland
Saturday, July 12
12:00 PM
St. Nicholas Square
More info:

Cardiff, UK
Saturday, July 12
2:00 PM
Nye Bevan Statue, Queen Street, Cardiff

Halifax, UK
Saturday, July 12
2:30 PM
Outside Central Library on Northgate

Swansea, UK
Saturday, July 12
12:00 PM
Gather on Princess Way (up the street from Castle Square, opposite the gym)
More info:

Palermo, Italy
Saturday, July 12
6:00 PM
Piazza Verdi, Teatro Massimo
More info:

Stuttgart, Germany
Saturday, July 12
6:00 PM
Am Schlossplatz
More info:

Dortmund, Germany
Saturday, July 12
2:30 PM
More info:

Dusseldorf, Germany
Saturday, July 12
4:00 PM
More info:

Helsinki, Finland
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
Eduskuntatalo — Parliament House, Mannerheimintie 30
More info:

Perth, Australia
Saturday, July 12
Murray St Mall, Perth CBD
More info:

Stockholm, Sweden
Saturday, July 12
1:30 PM
Mynttorget, Stockholm
More info:

Uppsala, Sweden
Saturday, July 12
2:00 PM
Med samling i Slottsbacken
More info:

Göteborg, Sweden
Saturday, July 12
1:30 PM
Gustav Adolfs Torg
More info:

Umeå, Sweden
Saturday, July 12
1:00 PM
Rådhustorget, Umeå

Nicosia, Cyprus
Saturday, July 12
5:00 PM
Israeli Embassy, Nicosia

Pesaro, Italy
Saturday, July 12
6:30 PM
Piazza del Popolo, Pesaro
Organized by Coordination for Palestine

Santiago, Chile
Saturday, July 12
12:00 PM
Paseo Ahumada, Santiago
More info:

Melbourne, Australia
Saturday, July 12
1:00 PM
Bourke Street Mall, Melbourne
Initiated by Students for Palestine Victoria and Socialist Alternative
More info:

The Hague, Netherlands
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
Verplaatst naar spuiplein (NEW LOCATION)
2517 KJ Den Haag
More info:

Lyon, France
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
Place de la Republique, Lyon

Montauban, France
Saturday, July 12
11:00 AM
Prefecture of Montauban
More info:,23866

Marseille, France
Saturday, July 12
4:00 PM
Angle Canebiere Belsunce
More info:

Nantes, France
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
Croisement cours des 50 otages / rue de la Barillerie
More info:

Strasbourg, France
Saturday, July 12
4:00 PM
place Kléber
More info:

Montpellier, France
Saturday, July 12
3:30 PM
Place de la comedie, Montpellier
More info:

Paris, France
Saturday, July 12
6:00 pm
Metro Belleville
More info:

Le Mans, France
Saturday, July 12
3:00 pm
Place de la Republique
More info:

Saint Etienne, France
Saturday, July 12
2:30 pm
Place de l’hotel de ville a Saint Etienne
More info:

Pau, France
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
Prefecture de Pau 64
More info:

Lille, France
Saturday, July 12
6:00 PM
Metro Republique Beaux Arts
More info:

Metz, France
Saturday, July 12
La Place de la Republique
2:30 PM
More info:

Orleans, France
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
Place d’Arc
More info:

Reims, France
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
Place d’Erlon — Fontaine de la Solidaritie
More info:

Angers, France
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
More info:

Avignon, France
Saturday, July 12
11:00 AM
Devant la prefecture
More info:

Gennevilliers, France
Saturday, July 12
2:00 PM
Esplanade Rol-Tanguy
More info:

Nice, France
Saturday, July 12
5:00 PM
Place Garibaldi
More info:

Chico, CA, US
Saturday, July 12
12:30 — 1:30 PM
3rd & Main Streets, Chico, CA
Sponsored by the Chico Peace and Justice Center, the Chico Peace Vigil and Chico Palestine Action Group.
More info: contact CPJC at 893-9078, or 893-3530

Gijón, Spain
Saturday, July 12
8:00 PM
Delante de la Carpa Central de la Semana Negra
More info:

Antwerp, Belgium
Saturday, July 12
7:00 PM
Sint-Jansplein, Antwerp
More info:

Dublin, Ireland
Saturday, July 12
2:00 PM
Spire, O’Connell Street
More info:

Derry, Ireland
Saturday, July 12
2:00 PM
Guildhall Square, Derry, Ireland

Limerick, Ireland
Saturday, July 12
2:00 PM
Thomas St., Limerick
More info:

Cork, Ireland
Saturday, July 12
2:00 PM
Daunt Square
More info:

Parma, Italy
Saturday, July 12
7:00 PM
Portici dell’Ospedale Vecchio, via d’Azeglio
More info:

Turin, Italy
Saturday, July 12
3:00 PM
Corso Giulio Cesare, Angolo via Vittorio Andreis
More info:

Padova, Italy
Saturday, July 12
5:00 PM
Palazzo Moroni — Comune di Padova, Via del Municipio 1
More info:

Santiago, Chile
Saturday, July 12
12:00 PM
Paseo Ahumada, Metro U. de Chile
More info:

Dallas, TX, US
Sunday, July 13
5:00 PM — 7:00 PM
Grassy Knoll Kennedy Memorial Plaza, 646 Main Street, Dallas, TX
More info:

Los Angeles, CA, US
Sunday, July 13
4:00 PM
ACROSS from Wilshire Federal Building, 11000 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90025
More info:

Woodstock, NY, US
Sunday, July 13
12:00 PM
Village Green
More info:

Detroit, MI, US
Sunday, July 13
1:00 PM
Max M Fisher Music Center, 3711 Woodward Ave
More info:

St. Louis, MO, US
Sunday, July 13
6:30 PM
St. Francis Xavier College Church
Organized by St Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee, CAIR STL, and Instead Of War Coalition.
More info:

Toledo, Ohio, US
Sunday, July 13
5:00 PM
West Central Ave and Secor Road

Quebec City, Quebec
Sunday, July 13
1:00 PM
Assemblee Nationale du Quebec, 1045 rue des Parlementaires, Quebec
More info:

New Delhi, India
Sunday, July 13
11:00 AM
Israeli Embassy, 3 Aurangzeb Road
More info:

Hong Kong
Sunday, July 13
2:00 PM
Statue Square, Chater Road, Central District, Hong Kong
More info:

Istanbul, Turkey
Sunday, July 13
5:00 PM
Tunel Beyoglu, Galidede Caddesi No. 23, Istanbul
More info:

Islamabad, Pakistan
Sunday, July 13
3:30 PM
Macdonalds F9
More info:

Sydney, Australia
Sunday, July 13
1:00 PM
Sydney Town Hall, 483 George St, Sydney
More info:

Paris, France
Sunday, July 13
3:00 pm
à partir du métro BARBES
More info:

Lenasia, South Africa
Sunday, July 13
2:00 PM
Baitul Noor Hall — Lenasia
More info:

Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Sunday, July 13
10:30 AM
Outside Liberty Mall
More info:

Fresno, California, US
Sunday, July 13
1:00 PM
Shaw and Blackstone

Bradford, UK
Sunday, July 13
7:30 PM
Centenary Square, Bradford

Poitiers, France
Sunday, July 13
10:30 AM
Marche des Couronneries (feux de la place de Coimbra)
More info:

Giugliano, Italy
Sunday, July 13
10:30 am
Piazza Matteotti

Novara, Italy
Sunday, July 13
3:00 pm
Piazza Cavour

Bologna, Italy
Sunday, July 13
3:30 PM
Piazza del Nettuno

Perugia, Italy
Sunday, July 13
4:00 PM
Piazzia Italia

Palmi, Italy
Sunday, July 13
7:00 PM
Piazza Primo Maggio

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
Monday July 14
4:30-6:00 pm
Mayday Plaza, 301 Cedar Ave , Minneapolis
Organized by MN Coalition for Palestinian Rights

Wichita, KS, US
Monday, July 14
11:30 AM
First and Market Streets, Wichita
More info:

Toronto, ON, Canada
Monday, July 14
2:00 PM
Israeli Embassy, 180 Bloor St W
More info:

Toronto, ON, Canada
Monday, July 14
4:00 PM
Dundas Square
More info:

New York City, NY, US
Monday, July 14
9:30 AM
New York City Council, City Hall
More info:

Cleveland, OH, US
Monday, July 14
4:00 PM
Public Square
More info:

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Monday, July 14
6:00 PM
450 Broadway Winnipeg — Manitoba’s Legislative Building
More info:

Santa Cruz, CA
Monday, July 14
5:00 PM
Clock Tower Santa Cruz
More info:

Madrid, Spain
Monday, July 14
7:30 PM,
Israeli Embassy, Calle Velazquez 150

Prague, Czech Republic
Monday, July 14
6:30PM — 7:30PM
Wenceslas Square
(upper part, under the statue of Saint Wenceslas)

Beirut, Lebanon
Monday, July 14
5:00 PM
Masrah al Madina, Hamra
More info:

Haifa, Occupied Palestine ’48
Monday, July 14
9:00 PM
Emil Habibi Circle, Wadi Nisnas
More info:

Zarqa Camp, Jordan
Monday, July 14
10:30 AM
More info:

La Paz, Bolivia
Monday, July 14
12:30 PM
Plaza Israel, La Paz
More info:

Catania, Sicily, Italy
Monday 14th July
6.00 pm
piazza Stesicoro
organized by: Rifondazione Comunista, Rete Antirazzista Catanese, Comitato di base NO MUOS NO Sigonella, Sportello di autodifesa precaria, Giovani Comunisti, Arci, Arcigay, Collettivo Aleph
More info:

Bergamo, Italy
Monday, July 14
6:00 PM
Presidio in Piazza Vittorio Veneto
More info:

Lecce, Italy
Monday, July 14
7:30 PM
Piazza Sant’Oronzo
More info:

Trento, Italy
Monday, July 14
5:00 PM
Palazzo del Governo

Torre del Greco, Italy
Monday, July 14
6:00 PM
Piazza Santa Croce

Reggio Calabria, Italy
Monday, July 14
6:00 PM
Piazza Italia

Cremona, Italy
Monday, July 14
5:30 PM
Davanti Alla Prefettura

Biella, Italy
Monday, July 14
4:30 PM
Davanti alla Prefettura

Berlin, Germany
Monday, July 14
6:00 PM
Uhr Hermannplatz (Neukölln)
More info:

Belgrade, Serbia
Monday, July 14
5:00 PM
Republic Square (plateau in front of the Russian Tsar).
Organizer is Palestinian Diaspora in Serbia

Brasilia, Brazil
Monday, July 14
UN Office
More info:

Honolulu, Hawa’ii
Tuesday, July 15
4:00 PM
Corner of Ala Moana and Atkinson Boulevards
More info:

New York City, NY, US
Tuesday, July 15
3:00 PM
United Nations Plaza, 47th St and 1st Ave, NY
More info:

Burlington, VT
Tuesday, July 15
Democracy Plaza, 199 Main St.
Endorsed by Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel and Burlington International Socialist Organization
More info:

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tuesday, July 15
11:00 AM
Queens Park
More info:

London, UK
Tuesday, July 15
5:30 PM
BBC — New Broadcasting House, Portland Place
More info:

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Tuesday, July 15
5:30 PM
Grey’s Monument, Blackett Street
More info:

Southampton, UK
Tuesday, July 15
5:30 PM
Southampton Civic Centre main entrance — opposite Matalan
More info:

Lecco, Italy
Tuesday, July 15
6:45 PM
Piazza XX Settembre
More info:

Vicenza, Italy
Tuesday, July 15
7:00 PM
Piazza Castello Vicenza
More info:

Sao Paulo, Brazil
Tuesday, July 15
7:00 PM
Praça Cinquentenário de Israel, Pacaembu

Jaen, Spain
Tuesday, July 15
8:00 PM
Plaza de la Constitucion

Berlin, Germany
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
8 pm — opening 7.30 pm
Sinema Jazeera — NewYorck im Bethanien
more info:

Orleans, France
Tuesday, July 15
6:00 PM
Place d’Arc
More info:

Aubervilliers, France
Tuesday, July 15
6:30 PM
Place de la Mairie, au 2 rue de la Commune de Paris
More info:

Tours, France
Tuesday, July 15
6:00 PM
Devant l’hotel de ville
More info:

Alicante, Spain
Tuesday, July 15
8:00 PM
Postiguet (Frente al Melia)
More info:

Saint Malo, France
Tuesday, July 15
11:00 AM
Devant la porte Saint-Vincent
More info:

Milano, Italy
Tuesday, July 15
6:00 PM
Chiamamilano — via Laghetto 2
More info:

Verona, Italy
Tuesday, July 15
4:00 PM
Piazza Bra

Bologna, Italy
Tuesday, July 15
6:30 PM
Piazza San Francesco Bologna
More info:

Ancona, Italy
Tuesday, July 15
5:00 PM
Sotto la Sede della Rai, porto di Ancona
More info:

Napoli, Italy
Tuesday, July 15
6:00 PM
Metro Toledo

Belfast, Ireland
Tuesday, July 15
1:00 PM
Belfast City Hall

Bonn, Germany
Tuesday, July 15
6:00 PM
Kundgebung auf dem Münsterplatz
More info:

Hannover, Germany
Tuesday, July 15
5:30 PM
am Kröpke
More info:

Kuwait City, Kuwait
Tuesday, July 15
8:30 PM
Outside the US Embassy

Washington, DC, US
Wednesday, July