ACTION ALERT: Negotiations Needed to End Syria War

September 26th, 2015 - by admin

Avram Reisman and Robert Naiman / Just Foreign Policy & United to End Genocide & Robert Naiman and Avram Reisman / Just Foreign Policy – 2015-09-26 00:03:45

Special to Environmentalists Against War

ACTION ALERT: Negotiations Needed to End Syria War
Avram Reisman and Robert Naiman / Just Foreign Policy

The human costs of the war in Syria are staggering: hundreds of thousands have lost their lives ; over 4 million Syrians have been forced to flee their country as refugees; and 7.6 million people have been forced to flee their homes, but remain within Syria.

To resolve the refugee crisis and prevent further killing, the US should use all diplomatic tools to press for a negotiated end to the Syrian civil war. Fortunately, we have a rare opportunity now to pressure Congress to support a diplomatic end to the conflict.

Rep. Jim Himes [D-CT] is circulating a Congressional letter to President Obama in support of international negotiations to end the conflict, stabilize the country, allow refugees to return home, transition to an accountable government and defeat ISIL.

Your Representative, Rep. Barbara Lee, voted to support diplomacy and block a path to war by supporting the Iran deal so they it’s likely they will consider signing Rep. Himes’ letter — if they hear from constituents urging them to do so.

The letter’s deadline for signatures is today so it is crucial that you call your congressional Representative and say: “I urge you to sign the Himes letter to President Obama in support of international negotiations to end the Syrian civil war.”

When you’re done, please report your call here.

And if you haven’t signed our petition encouraging members of Congress to sign the letter, you can do that here.

Thanks for all you do to help defend diplomacy and end wars.

US Leadership Needed at the UN on Syria
United to End Genocide

After four years of war, 220,000 people killed and over 4 million refugees, the people of Syria are losing hope in the world. But with the eyes of the world on New York when the UN General Assembly meets on September 30th, we have a chance to change that.

You can help by urging President Obama to show the critical leadership at the UN needed to build an effective global response to the refugee crisis, starting with a commitment to accept 100,000 refugees into the United States next year.

Your leadership is needed at the UN for Syria

Dear President Obama,

After four years of war, 220,000 people killed and over 4 million refugees, the people of Syria are losing hope in the world. But next week, with the eyes of the world on New York when the UN General Assembly meets, you have a chance to give hope where it is quickly fading.

I urge you to show the critical leadership at the UN needed to build an effective global response to the refugee crisis, protect those under attack in Syria and work toward the political solution needed to stop the cause of the crisis the war in Syria.

The US has shown leadership and our generosity by being the largest provider of humanitarian aid to the region. But showing global leadership demands strong leadership at home. You can show that leadership by committing to resettle 100,000 Syrian refugees in the United States in 2016.

This is an extraordinary crisis that requires an exceptional response. With millions of lives at risk, we can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines and watch the destruction of Syria and the abandonment of their people.

United to End Genocide
1010 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005

ACTION ALERT: No Ground Troops in Syria’s Civil War
Robert Naiman and Avram Reisman / Just Foreign Policy

Did you watch the Republican presidential debates last night? We did. It wasn’t fun, but it was important — and scary. Here’s the scary thing we need to push back on right now: Key Republican leaders want to send US ground troops into Syria’s sectarian civil war.

Tell President Obama and Congress to vigorously oppose Republican demands to send US ground troops into Syria’s sectarian civil war, by signing our petition at MoveOn.

Some Republican Senators like presidential candidate Lindsey Graham [1] and Senate Armed Services chair John McCain are calling for the deployment of US ground troops into Syria’s sectarian civil war. So far, the Obama Administration is opposed. [2]

But pressure on the Obama Administration for “action” is increasing with the Syrian refugee crisis in Europe, reports that military officials “spun” intelligence reports to suggest that the anti-ISIS war was going well, and reports that only a handful of US-trained “anti-ISIS rebels” are operating in Syria.

The alternative to US military escalation in Syria is diplomacy without preconditions, for which there may now be a new opening. Russia has just proposed new talks with the US about Syria, and the Obama Administration has agreed to the Russian proposal for talks. [3]

Urge the Administration and Congress to oppose the use of US ground troops in Syria by signing and sharing our petition:

Thanks for all you do to help defend diplomacy and prevent war.


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