ACTION ALERT: All Out Against War on Sunday, April 15

April 15th, 2018 - by admin

Spring Action Against War / UNAC & Win Without War & – 2018-04-15 00:51:30

ACTION ALERT: All Out Against War on Sunday, April 15
Stop US Bombing of Syria; Not Another War

Spring Action Against War / UNAC

(April 13, 2018) — The bombing of Damascus is underway. With no legal authority and in clear violation of international law, the Trump Administration has started its criminal attack on the people of Syria with the largest US Navy task force, including US nuclear aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines, since the attack on Iraq in 2003. Trump and the Pentagon’s criminal attack on Syria endangers us all.

It is time for all of us to express our strong opposition to the US bombing of Syria and the endless US wars.

Join hundreds of antiwar and social justice groups that are organizing demonstrations in:
New York City, Oakland CA, Minneapolis, and dozens of other cities across the country on Sunday, April 15, and Atlanta, Dallas, Detroit and Washington DC on Saturday April 14.

All organizations are urged make an all out effort to contact friends and activists through social media and other means and encourage them to join the actions this weekend and mobilize to oppose this criminal war.

See for a list of all actions this weekend.

* End US overt and covert wars, drone wars, sanction/embargo wars, and death squad assassination wars.

* Close of all US bases on foreign soil. Dismantle all nuclear weapons.

* Bring all US troops home now. Self-determination not military intervention.

* US hands off the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America.

* End military aid to apartheid Israel. Self-determination for Palestine. The US cannot be the cop of the world.

* $Trillions for human needs . . . for jobs and social services, quality debt-free education and single payer health care.

* No to anti-union legislation. For $15 and a Union Now.

* Defend the environment against life-threatening fossil fuel-induced global warming.

* For a just transition to a 100 percent clean, sustainable energy system at union wages for all displaced workers.

* No to white supremacy, police brutality/murder. End racist mass incarceration. Black Lives Matter

* No human being is illegal. No to mass deportations. Yes to DACA and TPS (Temporary Protective Status)

The US government and its leading Pentagon generals openly and repeatedly threatened nuclear war or massive military intervention against sovereign nations. Such is the case today with North Korea, Iran and Venezuela.

Simultaneously, US military forces are at war in several nations including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia. Hundreds of US military bases circle the globe in more than 170 foreign countries at the cost of $trillions while these same $trillions are subtracted from critical social programs at home.

$Trillions in tax cuts and corporate bailouts are granted to the super rich while the war at home takes on virulent racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, Islamophobic and homophobic forms. Join us!

Donald Trump Just Bombed Syria
Win Without War

(April 13, 2018) — Trump just bombed Syria. He’s got ultra-hawk Bolton egging him on. Demand Congress stop a catastrophic Trump/Bolton war.

This strike will only create more destruction, chaos, misery, and death in Syria. It will neither ease the devastating humanitarian crisis nor hold Bashar al-Assad accountable. The only way to end the terrible war in Syria and bring justice to the victims of war crimes — is to end the war in Syria.

But with warmongering National Security Advisor John Bolton egging Trump on, today’s attack could lead to an even wider war that quickly spirals out of control.
This is an emergency. Demand Congress immediately convene to debate and vote on our policy in Syria.

Trump’s attack today was not authorized by Congress, which means it was 100% unconstitutional.

But that hasn’t stopped Trump before. One year ago, Trump launched Tomahawk missiles into Syria in another illegal and unconstitutional act of war. Again and again, US military presence in Syria has only increased suffering and failed to bring peace.

And if ultra-hawk John Bolton gets his way, we could be facing an even more catastrophic escalation. So we need to demand Congress intervene immediately.

ACTION: Tell Congress: Hold Trump accountable to the United States Constitution and halt any further illegal attacks on Syria.

To: The United States Congress
Donald Trump’s strike on Syria is unconstitutional. Congress must immediately convene to debate and vote on this illegal escalation in Syria

Thank you for working for peace,
Stephen, Mariam, Kate, and the Win Without War team

Trump’s Reckless, Unconstitutional War-making

(April 14, 2018) — No. War.

War is not the answer. Trump’s illegal military strike on Syria last night did nothing to alleviate the wrenching devastation of the seven-year-old Syrian civil war. And MoveOn members cannot and will not allow more war to be the way Trump — struggling, isolated, reckless — tries to distract from the crises in his own White House and his floundering presidency.

Trump has been making moves to become a “war president” — from his obsession with a military parade to his recent picks of war hawks John Bolton as national security adviser and Mike Pompeo for secretary of state to last night’s reckless and unconstitutional attack.

Some Democrats — including Senators Chris Murphy and Bernie Sanders and Representatives Ro Khanna, Barbara Lee, and Jerry Nadler — have spoken up with a clear and compelling message, calling this attack unconstitutional, illegal, and destructive and demanding both congressional authority for any war-making and an investment in diplomacy instead of in missile strikes.

Here are a few ways MoveOn members
are taking action to respond to last night:

* Demanding real solutions to alleviate the terrible suffering of the Syrian people — such as welcoming refugees whose lives have been destroyed by this war into the safety of the United States and sending aid to the 3.2 million people the UN says require urgent assistance. Syria is one of the banned countries on the Muslim Ban, which blocks all immigrant and non-immigrant visas. (1)

And one of the most shocking and telling statistics about this current moment is that the US has only admitted 11 — yes, 11 — Syrian refugees in the past year. (2)
ACTION: Add your name to demand that the US welcome more Syrian refugees.

* Working to stop Mike Pompeo. This strike is unconstitutional and reckless — and every political leader should acknowledge that. While we can’t reverse Trump’s decision to launch missiles, and while John Bolton’s appointment does not require confirmation hearings, we can stop the Islamophobic and anti-diplomacy hawk Mike Pompeo from becoming secretary of state.

Eleven Senators and counting have already said they’ll oppose his nomination — and if every Democrat and Independent unites with a handful of Republicans, we can stop Pompeo and confront Trump’s war Cabinet. Sign the petition to call on the Senate to reject Donald Trump’s nomination of Mike Pompeo for secretary of state.

* Getting ready for rapid-response protests in case of a major escalation of Trump’s war-making. With allies, we are readying a rapid-response network that can launch anti-war events around the country should Trump escalate further.

This network — anchored by dedicated MoveOn members, with 870 actions already prepared — has been in development for a year. Text UNITED to 668366 to get text updates from MoveOn, including invitations to rapid-response rallies and timely call alerts.

Thousands of MoveOn members, and our whole staff team, spent Thursday and Friday this week preparing our mobilizations if Trump fired Rosenstein or Mueller. That’s still a very real threat, and for all we know, he’s hoping to get a bump of international goodwill from this bombing escapade — and ride that to even more reckless action and a constitutional crisis.

The good news is we are prepared and mobilized. MoveOn members have been fighting unjust wars for years and combating the Trump presidency at every turn. And now is a time to speak up — because we are the leaders we need, and our actions can force politicians to follow.

Thanks for all you do.
Jo, Gabby, Kate, Jadzia, and the rest of the team

1. “Why Trump’s latest travel ban included these eight countries,” The Washington Post, January 19, 2017

2. “The US has welcomed only 11 Syrian refugees this year,” NPR News, April 12, 2018

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