A Statement in Advance of the Putin Trump Summit

July 8th, 2018 - by admin

Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament & The Basel Peace Office – 2018-07-08 00:22:37


Putin Trump Summit Statement
Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament

(July 2, 2018) — Parliamentarians and nuclear disarmament activists are calling on US.President Trump and Russian President Putin to use the opportunity of their July 16 summit to step back from the nuclear brink and make progress on nuclear disarmament.

‘Trump and Putin should consider ‘No-First-Use’ commitments, better military-to-military communications (re-establishing and upgrading hotlines instead of scrapping them), lowering the alert status of US and Russian weapons that are maintained in a state of immediate readiness to launch, and an end to provocative and potentially dangerous military exercises close to each other’s borders,’ says John Hallam, Co-Chair of the Abolition 2000 Working Group on Nuclear-Risk Reduction.

‘In addition, the leaders should reaffirm the joint statement of Gorbachev and Reagan made in 1986 that “A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” ‘

Significance of Helsinki
‘The choice of Helsinki for the summit is both appropriate and propitious — being the place where the Helsinki accords were adopted by the United States, Soviet Union and 33 European states in 1975,’ says Alyn Ware, PNND Global Coordinator and Director of the Basel Peace Office.

‘These accords set in motion a process, to improve relations between the East and West, prevent a nuclear holocaust, and build common security, including through the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). We call on the two presidents to use this opportunity to advance dialogue, detente and disarmament in the spirit of the Helsinki accords.’

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which meets one week before the Trump-Putin Summit, has already called on the USA and Russia to reduce the risks of a nuclear war by taking nuclear weapons off high-alert and adopting no-first-use policies.

Disarmament Think-Tanks
And the Trump-Putin Summit

The U.S. Arms Control Association (ACA) expects that the summit will include discussion of the 2010 New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), which will expire in 2021, and the compliance dispute over the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. ACA is calling on the USA and Russia to extend the New START Treaty and to undertake further cuts in nuclear weapons, especially in tactical nuclear weapons . (See The Trump-Putin Summit: What You Need to Know).

Initiatives pour le Desarmement Nucleaires (IDN), a French international relations think-tank, has issued an appeal for NATO States meeting at the NATO Summit (July 11-12), to call on President Trump and President Putin to eliminate tactical nuclear weapons from the European theatre.

This would involve the US removing its nuclear weapons stationed in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Turkey. And it would involve Russia agreeing to verified decommissioning of their tactical nuclear weapons.

Statement by Women Parliamentarians
Last month, 50 leading women parliamentarians from 23 countries (including many from Europe) released an appeal to leaders of nuclear-armed states calling on leaders of the nuclear armed States, including Russia and the United States, to reduce nuclear weapons stockpiles, commit to never launch a nuclear war, cut nuclear weapons budgets and replace nuclear deterrence with reliance on common security.

‘The United Nations was established with an array of mechanisms through which nations can resolve conflicts, negotiate disarmament and achieve security through diplomacy not war. These have been supplemented by additional common security mechanisms such as the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. We urge governments to make better use of these common security mechanisms, and especially to replace reliance on nuclear deterrence with reliance on common security.’

PNND, which organized the joint statement, is sending it to the offices of Presidents Trump and Putin for consideration in the run-up to the July 16 summit.

For more on the Trump-Putin Summit, see Trump – Putin summit: Time for dialogue, detente and disarmament and Trump – Putin summit an opportunity for nuclear restraint and disarmament.

The Basel Peace Office team

Common Security for a Sustainable and Nuclear-weapon-free World

Joint statement commemorating
International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament
and the 175th birthday anniversary of Bertha von Suttner, the first woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize (May 24, 2018)

Click here for list of endorsers

On the occasions of International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament (May 24) and the 175th birthday of Bertha von Suttner, the first woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize (June 8), we express our deep concern about the existential threats to humanity and the environment from climate change, nuclear weapons and unresolved international conflicts, especially those between nuclear-reliant countries.

As women legislators (current and former) from around the world we are inspired by peace visionaries like Berta von Suttner to reach beyond our national borders and different political persuasions to embrace the common interest of all humanity for peace and disarmament.

We welcome the peace and security initiative launched today by United Nations Secretary-General (UNSG) Antonio Guterres and call on governments, parliaments and civil society to act together to implement it.

Whether we are from Russia or USA, India or Pakistan, North Korea or South Korea, Iran or Israel, East or West, North or South, we share one planet and a common future, making it vital that we use diplomacy, conflict resolution, common security and law to address security issues, rather than the threat or use of force.

The United Nations was established with an array of mechanisms through which nations can resolve conflicts, negotiate disarmament and achieve security through diplomacy not war. These have been supplemented by additional common security mechanisms such as the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

We urge governments to make better use of these common security mechanisms, and especially to replace reliance on nuclear deterrence with reliance on common security.

The very first resolution of the United Nations called for the elimination of “nuclear weapons and all other weapons adaptable to mass destruction.” Yet, 73 years later, over 15,000 nuclear weapons remain in the world’s arsenals, threatening current and future generations and costing $100 billion annually. These funds could instead be used to reverse climate change, eliminate poverty and fulfill other social and economic needs.

We therefore welcome the decision by the United Nations General Assembly to hold a High-Level Conference on Nuclear Disarmament to advance effective measures for nuclear disarmament. We call on all governments to attend the conference at the highest level, and to use the conference to make significant progress on nuclear risk-reduction and disarmament initiatives.

For non-nuclear countries this could include signing the 2017 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – an important contribution by non-nuclear countries to building the framework for a nuclear-weapon-free world.

For nuclear reliant countries (nuclear armed countries and their allies) this could include, among other things, ratifying the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (if they have not already done so), reducing nuclear weapons stockpiles, committing to never launch a nuclear war, cutting nuclear weapons budgets and commencing negotiations on the phased prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons as required under international law.

Globalization in the 21st Century has made the verification and enforcement of disarmament agreements, the abolition of war and the achievement of common security, realistic goals. These processes are enhanced by the involvement of women at all levels of conflict resolution and peacemaking, as promoted by UN Security Council Resolution 1325.

As women representatives we are all proud of our home countries and our national identities. But we also recognize our common humanity and the need to collaborate on building a peaceful, secure, sustainable and just world. We invite you to join us.

Endorsers: (as at May 23, 2018)
• Senator Byrganym Aitimova (Kazakhstan). Member of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee. Former Kazakhstan Ambassador to the United Nations.
• Senator Abacca Anjain-Maddison (Marshall Islands). PNND Past President. Former Senator for Rongelap.
• Petra Bayr MP (Austria). Chairwoman of the Development Policy Subcommittee. Executive Member of Parliamentarians for Global Action.
• Senator Carol Brown (Australia). Shadow Minister for Disability and Carers.
• Terri Butler MP (Australia). Shadow Assistant Minister for Preventing Family Violence, Shadow Assistant Minister for Universities, Shadow Assistant Minister for Equality.
• Dr Isabelle Chevalley MP (Switzerland). Member of the Swiss Parliament Commission on Education and Culture.
• Sharon Claydon MP (Australia). Deputy Chair of Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs.
• Tarja Cronberg (Finland). Chair of the Middle Powers Initiative. Senior Fellow at SIPRI. Former Minister of the Environment. Former Chair of the European Parliament Contact Group with Iran.
• Linda Duncan MP (Canada). Co-Chair of PNND Canada.
• Ute Finckh-Krämer (Germany). Former Deputy-Chair of the Bundestag Sub-committee on Disarmament and Arms Control.
• Hedy Fry MP (Canada). OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Special Representative on Gender Issues.
• Ana Gomes MEP (Portugal). Member of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Subcommittee on Security and Defense. .
• Barbara Gysi MP (Switzerland). Vice-President of the Swiss Democratic Party.
• Satu Hassi MP (Finland). Chairperson of the Environment Committee.
• Marian Hobbs (New Zealand). Former Minister for the Environment, Minister for Development and Minster for Disarmament and Arms Control.
• Lotta Johnsson Fornarve MP (Sweden). Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Defense.
• Amineh Kakabaveh MP (Sweden). Deputy Member of the Parliamentary Committee on European Union Affairs. 2016 Fokus ‘Swede of the Year’.
• Waseqa Ayesha Khan MP (Bangladesh). Member, Public Accounts Committee of the Bangladesh Parliament.
• Sadet Karabulut MP (Netherlands). Dutch Socialist Party Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Defense & Development.
• Mahjabeen Khaled MP (Bangladesh). Member of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs.
• Margret Kiener Nellen MP (Switzerland). Head of the Swiss delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.
• Helen Konzett MP (Liechtenstein) Member of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.
• Annika Lillemets MP (Sweden). Deputy Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee.
• Senator Sue Lines (Australia). Deputy President of the Senate and Chair of Committees.
• Jan Logie MP (New Zealand). Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Justice (Sexual and Domestic Violence Issues).
• Senator Salwa Damen Masri (Jordan). PNND Co-President. Former Minister of Social Welfare and Development
• Christina McKelvie MSP (Scotland). Convener of the Equalities and Human Rights Committee.
• Baroness Sue Miller (UK). PNND Co-President.
• Dr Dipu Moni MP (Bangladesh). Chairperson of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Former Foreign Minister.
• Christine Muttonen (Austria). PNND Co-President. Former President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.
• Marit Nybakk (Norway). PNND Co-President. Former First Vice-President of the Norwegian Parliament. President of the Norwegian Association for Women’s Rights. Former President of the Nordic Council.
• State Senator Nan Grogan Orrock (USA). President of Women Legislators’ Lobby.
• State Senator Sandy Pappas (USA), Vice-President of Women Legislators’ Lobby. Former President of the Minnesota Senate.
• Liliane Maury Pasquier MP (Switzerland). Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Political Affairs and Democracy. Chairwoman of the Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs.
• Eva Quistorp (Germany). Former member of the European Parliament. Founder member of the Greens Party. Co-founder of Women for Peace Germany and Europe.
• Senator Lee Rhiannon (Australia).
• Senator Laura Angelica Rojas Hernandez (Mexico). Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs Mexican Senate. Chair of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Standing Commission on Peace and International Security.
• Senator Janet Rice (Australia). Founding member, Australian Greens.
• Molly Scott-Cato MEP (UK). Green MEP for South West England and Gibraltar.
• Senator Rachel Siewert (Australia). Australian Greens Whip. Chair of Community Affairs References Committee.
• Maryan Street (New Zealand). Former Minister of Housing and President of the Labour Party.
• Jan Tinetti MP (New Zealand). Deputy Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee on Education and Workforce.
• Camila Vallejos Dowling MP (Chile). Member of the Chile Parliament Committee on Citizen Security.
• Maria Vamvakinou MP (Australia). Deputy Chair of the Joint Standing Committee On Migration.
• Edine Von Herold (Costa Rica). PNND Past-President.
• Louisa Wall MP (New Zealand). Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Health. Member of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs. Spokesperson on Youth Affairs.
• Baroness Walmsley (UK). Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson on Health.
• Sandra White MSP (Scotland). Convener of the Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Palestine. Member of the Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Men’s Violence Against Women and Children.
• Jo Valentine (Australia). Former Senator for the Nuclear Disarmament Party. Former Senator for the Green Party.
• Uta Zapf (Germany). PNND Past President. Former Chair of the Bundestag Subcommittee on Disarmament and Arms Control