ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Impeach Trump for Illegally Withdrawing from the INF Treaty
Wired for Change
(August 15, 2019) — Trump has withdrawn the United States from a treaty that radically reduced the likelihood of nuclear war. He has done so in violation of the terms of the treaty, and therefore in violation of the US Constitution.
Trump has illegally removed the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. This treaty was signed by President Reagan on December 8, 1987, and ratified by consent of the US Senate on May 27, 1988, thereby becoming the supreme law of the land under Article VI, paragraph 2 of the US Constitution.
The INF Treaty allows withdrawal only if “extraordinary events related to the subject matter of this Treaty have jeopardized its supreme interests.”
The INF Treaty provides for intrusive on-site inspections, backed up by mutual verification by satellite and other monitoring mechanisms, and a Special Verification Commission to resolve any disputes about whether violations have occurred.
Whether or not Russian development and deployment of its new 9M729 missile constitute a “material breach” of the treaty is a matter to be dealt with by the provisions of the treaty itself and cannot satisfy the legal requirement for withdrawal.
By illegally withdrawing from the INF Treaty, Trump has violated the law and endangered the world. He is guilty of yet another impeachable offense warranting removal from office.
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“Trump Broke US Law in Destroying INF Treaty”
(August 14, 2019) — President Trump violated the US Constitution when he unilaterally pulled the United States out of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty on August 2, 2019.
Treaties signed and ratified by the President of the United States, by consent of the Senate, become “the supreme law of the land” according to Article VI, paragraph 2 of the US Constitution. [i] The INF Treaty was signed by President Reagan on December 8, 1987 and ratified by consent of the US Senate on May 27, 1988. That means this Treaty is as much a part of US law as any Act of Congress or Supreme Court decision.
What the INF Treaty says, and what therefore the law requires, is that the US may withdraw from this Treaty only if “extraordinary events related to the subject matter of this Treaty have jeopardized its supreme interests.”[ii] This is known as the ‘extraordinary events clause’ and it was actually the United States who insisted on inserting this clause in the Partial Test Ban Treaty of 1963.
This was specifically to ensure that parties to such treaties cannot just withdraw from them without sufficient justification. [iii] The identical language has been included in a number of treaties since then, including the INF Treaty.
In the case of the US withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in 2002, for instance, President George W. Bush used 9/11 as the “extraordinary event” needed to justify US withdrawal from that particular treaty. [iv] Withdrawal from the INF Treaty requires a similarly “extraordinary event” related to the subject matter of this treaty and withdrawal on any other grounds is simply not legal.[v]
Whether or not Russian development and deployment of its new 9M729 missile constituted a ‘material breach’ of the treaty is a matter to be dealt with by the provisions of the treaty itself. The INF Treaty provided for the most intrusive on-site inspections of any treaty in history, backed up by mutual verification by satellite and other monitoring mechanisms, and a Special Verification Commission to resolve any disputes about whether violations have indeed occurred. [vi]
Since a material breach of the treaty does not, in any case, satisfy the legal requirement for withdrawal,[vii]the only question relevant to US withdrawal from this treaty was whether the deployment of the 9M729 missile could in some way be considered an “extraordinary event” jeopardizing “the supreme interests of the United States.”
According to one defense analyst, this particular missile is nothing more than “a minor accessory to the nuclear wardrobe of the Russian Federation.”[viii] In fact, this particular missile (the 9M729) is just 21 inches longer than the previous version (the 9M728 missile), which has been deployed for many years with no objection from the United States.
The 9M729 may or may not exceed the limits allowed by the INF Treaty. But it is hard to argue that it suddenly jeopardizes the supreme interests of the United States in a way that its predecessor did not. [ix]
Since President Trump pulled the United States out of the INF Treaty on illegal grounds, he has broken US law – regardless of whether President Putin may have also broken his own laws by pulling Russia out of the Treaty as well.
Breaking international treaties is not a trifling matter. These treaties are all we have when it comes to maintaining peaceful relations with the other 194 countries we share this planet with. They are also the supreme law of the land, and presidents should be held accountable for that.
Dr. Timmon Wallis is Executive Director of NuclearBan.US and author of Disarming the Nuclear Argument, Luath Press, 2018 andWarheads to Windmills: How to Pay for the Green New Deal, available at www.NuclearBan.US/w2w/.
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