ACTION ALERT: Stop US Firms Profiting off Hong Kong Repression
(October 10, 2019) — Last week, Hong Kong police shot pro-democracy protester Tsang Chi-kin at point blank range with a live round, narrowly missing his heart. He is 18 years old — a student vice president at his secondary school.
This shocking shooting is the latest in a brutal police campaign to intimidate and repress an inspiring surge of ongoing protests peacefully calling for democratic reform.
A police crackdown armed with ‘crowd control’ equipment supplied by US companies. [1]
US companies should NOT be profiting off the back of this devastating anti-democratic clampdown. A new bi-partisan bill that would force them to stop could be voted on in the House of Representatives as soon as next week — and that’s where we can help:
Since the Hong Kong protests began four months ago, the Hong Kong government has followed the authoritarian playbook by prioritizing brute force over genuine political dialogue.
The Hong Kong police’s use of banned tactics that turn ‘crowd control’ equipment into dangerous weapons is so alarming the United Nations Human Rights Office has even demanded an independent investigation. [2]
In the face of this violent anti-democratic crackdown, the bipartisan PROTECT Hong Kong Act introduced by Reps. McGovern, Smith, and Khanna — that would ban US companies from arming and enabling the Hong Kong police — is one key way we can act in solidarity with Hong Kong protestors.
Around the world there are tides of pro-democracy movements rising up. And in response? An unprecedented tide of authoritarian crackdowns. With the Trump administration standing silent or empowering these leaders, it’s going to take an international people-powered movement to work in solidarity with those seeking progressive change. This bill is one powerful way we can do that for the inspiring mass movement for democracy in Hong Kong.
Thank you for working for peace,
Annika, Tara, Mariam, and the Win Without War team
[1] South China Morning Post, “US lawmakers introduce bill to stop tear gas sales to Hong Kong“
[2] VOA, “UN: Credible Evidence Hong Kong Police Use Banned Tactics to Suppress Protesters”

Police attack Hong Kong protestors with tear gas and rubber-coated bullets. (Photo: Beitbart)
US lawmakers Introduce Bill to Stop Tear Gas Sales to Hong Kong
Owen Churchill / South China Morning Post
(September 11, 2019) — US congressional representatives announced legislation on Tuesday calling for a ban on sales of riot control equipment to Hong Kong law enforcement services, as unrest in the city entered its fourth month.
If passed, the bill would prohibit US companies from exporting so-called non-lethal crowd control items like tear gas, as well as defence articles and services, to Hong Kong, where the local police force is facing growing criticism of its response to protests.
Since mass demonstrations began in June over a proposed extradition bill, violent clashes involving police, protesters and counter-protesters have hospitalised dozens of people. After last week’s announcement that the bill was to be officially withdrawn, the protesters’ remaining four demands include an independent inquiry into the use of police force — a call that city leaders continue to reject.
Titled the PROTECT Hong Kong Act, Tuesday’s bill is sponsored by Representatives James McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts, Christopher Smith, Republican of New Jersey, and Ro Khanna, Democrat of California. The ban would take effect 30 days after the legislation’s enactment.
As well as barring defence-related sales to Hong Kong, the new law would also require the Secretary of State to issue a report to Congress detailing all the defence articles and munition items that had been exported to the city over the five years leading up to the bill’s date of enactment.
Smith said that “Congress must stop the flow of these exports to the government of Hong Kong” until it became clear that American products were not being used “to repress the free people of Hong Kong”. “This legislation does that,” he said.
“America ought to recognise the human rights and dignity of all people,” said McGovern, who co-chairs the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission alongside Smith. “And that means we ought not to allow American companies to sell this equipment to foreign governments when we see evidence that it is being used for immoral and unjust purposes.”
Last month, the United Nations’ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said it had reviewed credible evidence that law enforcement officials in Hong Kong had employed non-lethal weapons “in ways that are prohibited by international norms and standards”.
Officers had been seen “firing tear gas canisters into crowded, enclosed areas and directly at individual protesters on multiple occasions, creating a considerable risk of death or serious injury”, the UN office said, calling for an immediate investigation into the incidents.
Tuesday’s bill enters Congress, which returned from its summer break this week, several months after the British government suspended its own exports of crowd-control equipment to Hong Kong.
Announced in June, the ban would remain in place until concerns about human rights and fundamental freedoms in the city were addressed, the then foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt said.
In July, a resolution was passed by the European parliament calling on member states to impose “appropriate export control mechanisms to deny China, and in particular Hong Kong, access to technologies used to violate basic rights”.
Only a small fraction of bills introduced by US lawmakers end up being signed into law by the president; and even if Tuesday’s legislation successfully passes through the many Congressional procedural hurdles, it would probably be a matter of months before it reached US President Donald Trump’s desk.
Meanwhile, the Hong Kong police force already seems to be setting its sights on other suppliers.
In late August, the force confirmed it was pivoting away from European vendors and was purchasing anti-riot protective gear from a mainland manufacturer. Personal armour procured from the supplier cost around US$420 per suit and was the same type as that used by police on the mainland, according to a Hong Kong police source.
Concurrently, the mainland is also expected to step up production of tear gas in the face of rising demand both within and beyond its borders, though Hong Kong is not yet believed to be an export destination.
To date, Hong Kong authorities have used upwards of 1,800 rounds of tear gas since June, according to police figures.
A recent Buzzfeed News investigation into one American tear gas manufacturer whose canisters have been deployed by Hong Kong law enforcement found that low-paid employees were handling hazardous materials with few safety precautions.
Pennsylvania-based Nonlethal Technologies, which has also supplied riot-control equipment to a number of Middle Eastern governments during the Arab spring, did not respond to a request for comment on Tuesday’s legislation.
Concern among US lawmakers about exports of crowd-control technology to Hong Kong was not limited to the House.
On Tuesday, a bipartisan group of 10 senators wrote to the US administration calling for an investigation into whether the country’s export control regime allowed people in the US “to inappropriately export police equipment to Hong Kong, which may be used to suppress legitimate civil dissent”.
Sent to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, the letter also called on the administration to examine whether hi-tech exports from the US to Hong Kong were at risk of being illicitly acquired by the Chinese government.
US congressional representatives announced legislation on Tuesday calling for a ban on sales of riot control equipment to Hong Kong law enforcement services, as unrest in the city entered its fourth month.
If passed, the bill would prohibit US companies from exporting so-called non-lethal crowd control items like tear gas, as well as defence articles and services, to Hong Kong, where the local police force is facing growing criticism of its response to protests.
Since mass demonstrations began in June over a proposed extradition bill, violent clashes involving police, protesters and counterprotesters have hospitalised dozens of people. After last week’s announcement that the bill was to be officially withdrawn, the protesters’ remaining four demands include an independent inquiry into the use of police force – a call that city leaders continue to reject.

An anti-extradition bill protester throws a tear gas cartridge back at police during clashes in Wan Chai in Hong Kong, Aug. 11, 2019.
Titled the PROTECT Hong Kong Act, Tuesday’s bill is sponsored by Representatives James McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts, Christopher Smith, Republican of New Jersey, and Ro Khanna, Democrat of California. The ban would take effect 30 days after the legislation’s enactment.
As well as barring defence-related sales to Hong Kong, the new law would also require the Secretary of State to issue a report to Congress detailing all the defence articles and munition items that had been exported to the city over the five years leading up to the bill’s date of enactment.
Smith said that “Congress must stop the flow of these exports to the government of Hong Kong” until it became clear that American products were not being used “to repress the free people of Hong Kong”. “This legislation does that,” he said.
“America ought to recognise the human rights and dignity of all people,” said McGovern, who co-chairs the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission alongside Smith. “And that means we ought not to allow American companies to sell this equipment to foreign governments when we see evidence that it is being used for immoral and unjust purposes.”
Last month, the United Nations’ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights said it had reviewed credible evidence that law enforcement officials in Hong Kong had employed non-lethal weapons “in ways that are prohibited by international norms and standards”.
UN: Credible Evidence Hong Kong Police Use Banned Tactics to Suppress Protesters
Lisa Schlein / Voice of America

Riot police fire tear gas during the anti-extradition bill protest in Hong Kong, Aug. 11, 2019.
GENEVA (August 13, 2019) — The UN high commissioner for human rights, Michele Bachelet, has called for an investigation into what she said is the use of banned tactics by Hong Kong police to quell anti-government demonstrations.
Bachelet is voicing concern about the escalating violence in Hong Kong and worries about it spiraling out of control. She is urging protesters to express their grievances peacefully and not to resort to violence or the destruction of property.
Bachelet, however, is urging Hong Kong authorities to refrain from hard-nosed tactics that violate peoples’ rights of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly and which are likely to cause civilian casualties.
Her spokesman, Rupert Colville, said the high commissioner is alarmed by the methods used by the security forces that are both dangerous and forbidden.
“OHCHR (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights) has reviewed credible evidence of law enforcement officials employing less lethal weapons in ways that are prohibited by international norms and standards,” Colville said. “For example, officials can be seen firing tear gas canisters into crowded, enclosed areas and directly at individual protesters on multiple occasions, creating a considerable risk of death or serious injury.”
Colville said there are clear guidelines on how supposed non-lethal weapons, such as tear gas, batons and rubber bullets should be used.”Law enforcement officials should only employ tear gas to disperse crowds as a last resort when widespread violence creates an imminent threat of serious injury or damage to property. And, in this situation, the canisters must be fired at a high angle to create indirect fire.”
The UN human rights office is calling on Hong Kong authorities to investigate these incidents immediately and ensure security personnel comply with the rules of engagement. It warns excessive use of force will only inflame tensions and worsen the situation.
Rights chief Bachelet is also urging all sides to resolve the situation through calm, meaningful dialogue.
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