Petition: Congress Must Uphold the Rule of Law: Impeach Trump for War Crimes and Bust the Military/Industrial Complex
Buzz Davis / Roots Action
Petition Text
TUCSON (December 4, 2019) — US House & Senate Members Should Impeach Trump for Illegal Wars, Torture, Spying, Killing Civilians, Overthrowing Governments Around the World & Threatening Preemptive & Nuclear War!
We call on House members to uphold their oath of office by passing a resolution to conduct an impeachment inquiry, and conduct such an impeachment inquiry based upon articles of impeachment stating President Donald Trump is:
• continuing the illegal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and other places,
• continuing the illegal torture of prisoners,
• continuing the illegal spying on Americans,
• continuing the illegal killing of civilians,
• illegally threatening to conduct preemptive wars against N. Korea and Venezuela,
• illegally threatening nuclear war against N. Korea, and
• using the CIA and military to illegally overthrow governments around the world.
With the exception of spying, that is a Constitutional violation, all the above actions are considered to be war crimes and violate the US Constitution, US laws, the UN Charter, and/or various international treaties.
We call on Senate members to uphold their oath of office and urge House colleagues to start the impeachment inquiry.
Why Is This Important?
Our country was founded on the idea that our government would be instituted under the “rule of law” rather than the political whims of kings and queens as England was ruled in the 1700’s.
Our Constitution states Congress must pass a declaration of war before the US military and president can take action against another nation, except in the case America is attacked by another nation.
America has NOT been attacked by any of the nations in which our military or CIA forces are fighting today. Furthermore, no declarations of war have been approved by Congress. Thus these wars are illegal under the American Constitution and laws. They are illegal under the UN Charter and various treaties America has signed. Mr. Trump’s threatening preemptive nuclear war and aggression against N. Korea and threatening war of aggression against Venezuela are established war crimes.
Trillions of dollars have been spent illegally drowning our Nation in debt and prohibiting the domestic public investments necessary to help our people and environment.
Today we have a vast complex comprised of military/industrial/intelligence/elected officials. This complex is an old boys club with each group helping the other get public tax dollars and get richer becoming ever more powerful.
This complex spends trillions of dollars on preparation for wars, on actual illegal wars of aggression and sends millions of American soldiers into harm’s way.
The result of these illegal wars has been: millions of people have died, been wounded or made ill or homeless by these Wars on Terror. Thousands of American troops have died and hundreds of thousands wounded physically, mentally or emotionally.
We must break the back of this “complex.” The impeachment and removal from office of President Trump for war crimes will initiate, hopefully, the dismantling and demise of this “complex” by Congress and future administrations.
Why? Because the next president Vice President Pence, or another person, will have to obey the rule of law or he/she will be the next person impeached. Future presidents will think twice before they commit illegal actions. Additionally, once the president has been impeached, the following impeachments of military and intelligence leaders for their violations of their oath of office and the laws of our land will become easier.
The American military/industrial/intelligence/elected official complex is possibly the greatest threat to world peace and to the future of America that exists.
It must be dismantled and the perpetrators punished and removed from power.
We, the below members of Veterans for Peace, are co-sponsors of this petition. ACTION: We urge you to please sign the petition, share it with your friends and hopefully help save our future!
• Philip Anderson, VFP Chapter 80 Duluth-Superior, WI US Army 1975-78 retired-Army & Navy Reserves
• Buzz Davis, VFP Ch. 13 Tucson, AZ, US Army 1967-70 S. Korea
• Kay Davis, Assoc. Member VFP Ch. 13 Tucson, AZ
• Brad Geyer, Ch. 175 Janesville, WI USAF 1989-93 WI ANG 1993-03 Gulf War
• Dan Luker, VFP Ch. 9 Boston, MA, US Army 1968-71 Vietnam
• John Spitzberg, Chs. 099/160, Willow, AK, US Army & Air Force 1958-72 Germany
• Jean Rawson, Assoc. Member VFP Ch. 25 Madison, WI
• Joshua Shurley, VFP Ch. 180 Fresno, CA, US Army 1993-01
• Carroll Nast, VFP Ch. 122 Colfax, CA, USAF 1969-79 Vietnam
• Wayne Beverly, VFP Udonthani, Thailand USMC Sgt-Vietnam 1966-67
• Paul Gessler, VFP Ch. 178 Northern CO USAF 1970-73 ICBM Support
• Jim Wohlgemuth, VFP Nashville, TN
• George Newell, Pres. VFP Ch. 120 Boulder, CO USMC 1968-1973
• VFP Chapter 120 Boulder, CO
• Daryl K. Sherman, VFP Ch. 25 Madison, WI Special Forces Sgt. 1956-62 Berlin 60-62
• Cynthia Heil, Assoc. Member, VFP Ch. 099 Asheville, NC
How It Will Be Delivered
We will do a press conference, press releases, op eds and letters to the editor that the petition has been released for signing.
Once we have gathered a good number of signatures, we will deliver electronic copies of the petition to Congress members and the White House. We will ask signers to deliver paper copies to their House and Senate members local offices.

Trump Threatens Civil War If He Is Removed By Impeachment
Oliver Willis / The American Independent & The National Memo
(September 30, 2019) — Donald Trump on Sunday night claimed once more that the country would be plunged into “civil war” if Congress was successful in removing him from office.
“If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal,” Trump tweeted, quoting ardent supporter Pastor Robert Jeffress, who had appeared on Fox News earlier that day.
The American Civil War, waged between the US government and the pro-slavery Confederacy in the 1860s, led to the death of an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 Americans.
Trump’s comment was part of a larger meltdown over the impeachment inquiry that has been launched in the House of Representatives.
The comment was so over the top and laced with violence that even one of Trump’s fellow Republicans has since criticized it.
“I have visited nations ravaged by civil war,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) tweeted, tagging Trump. “I have never imagined such a quote to be repeated by a President. This is beyond repugnant.”
As extreme as it was, Trump’s latest threat of civil war is in line with his habit of invoking violent rhetoric against his political rivals, often inspiring attacks and criminal behavior.
There have been at least 36 criminal cases so far in which Trump’s name was invoked as part of violence, assault, or the threat of violence.
Trump himself is happy to promote such violence.
Last October, Trump praised Rep. Greg Gianforte (R-MT) for assaulting a reporter before his special election. “Any guy that can do a body slam, he’s my kind of … he’s my guy,” Trump said, before pantomiming the assault on stage.
When he was campaigning for the presidency, Trump told his supporters to “knock the hell” out of anti-Trump protesters and offered to “pay for the legal fees.”
His most diehard supporters again and again have responded to Trump’s creation of a violent political atmosphere by acting out.
The mass shooter who opened fire in a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, last month, killing 22, echoed Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric in his manifesto.
Just a few months ago a man was arrested for making violent threats against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) after Trump made her the target of a harassment campaign. Another arrest was made after a man threatened Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) after Trump went after her publicly.
And in August, the would-be “MAGA bomber” was sentenced to 20 years in prison for sending explosive devices to people identified as political enemies by Trump, including George Soros, President Barack Obama, President Bill Clinton, and Vice President Joe Biden.
Trump has invoked similar threats of civil conflict in the past, suggesting his supporters would “revolt” if he were ever impeached.
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