VICTORY: Atlantic Coast Gas Pipeline Defeated
Sierra Club
Organizational Statement: As people across the country protest in defense of Black lives, the Sierra Club recognizes the need to dismantle systemic racism in the United States and within our own organization. We must reckon with how white supremacy — both past and present — has shaped our institutions and do the critical anti-racism work necessary to repair the harm done. The environmental movement does not exist in a vacuum, and it is our responsibility to use our power to help abolish systemic racism, which is destroying lives, communities, and the planet.
The Fracked Gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project Is Dead
RICHMOND, VA and CHARLOTTE, NC (July 7, 2020) —On Sunday, July 5, the six-year-long struggle to stop the fracked gas Atlantic Coast Pipeline ended when Duke and Dominion Energy cancelled the project.
As a farmer living in Nash County, North Carolina whose property was in the crosshairs of the route of this unneeded, dirty, and dangerous project, this was the best news I’ve received since the project was announced in 2014. For me it means I can go back to life before fighting the ACP. For North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia communities it means we will no longer be burdened by pipeline construction and the pollution associated with the pipeline.
This is a story of grassroots resistance and relentless organizing–building power to take on the fossil fuel industry. The end of the ACP is a victory for environmental justice, racial justice, public health, water quality, and endangered species along the route and beyond. Defeating the ACP and other polluting pipelines is critical in addressing the climate crisis.
Thank you for every letter sent, call made to an elected official, rally and event attended, article shared–your actions helped make this momentous occasion possible! Join me in celebrating all that is possible when communities stand together and refuse to give up on moving beyond dirty fuels to a new energy era that relies on clean, safe, affordable energy that can provide us with the jobs and justice all communities deserve.
Please help share this wonderful news by lifting up environmental justice and sharing these community voices:
Or better yet, share a message or video in your own words about what this news means to you on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! Remember to tag @sierraclub and the hashtag #noACP
The tide has been turning against new fracked gas for a long time. The ACP’s cancellation should serve as a clear sign to utilities and investors of other unneeded gas projects like the Mountain Valley Pipeline to walk away from these risky investments.
Today we celebrate, tomorrow we keep fighting for climate justice.
In gratitude,
Marvin Winstead
NC Sierran and ACP impacted landowner

The COVID-19 crisis has not passed and continues to disproportionately harm Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people and other communities of color. The pandemic has revealed how the communities hardest hit are often the same communities that suffer from high levels of pollution and poor access to healthcare. The fight for environmental justice cannot be separated from the fight for racial justice.
(July 5, 2020) — For too long, communities of color have been systematically deprived of the economic and political power to defend themselves against the fossil fuel industry. Power companies have historically chosen to build in low income neighborhoods because property values are low, and they count on these communities not having the means to fight back.
Today’s victory against the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is testament to the power that exists in frontline communities across our nation. The courageous leadership of impacted community members who refused to bow in the face of overwhelming odds is an inspiration to all Americans.
This project represented a dangerous web of injustice—the injustice of race, the injustice of ecological devastation, the injustice of poverty. Today’s victory reminds us of the power of a fusion movement — that when we come together, we win.
We have the power to stop projects that are dangerous to the most vulnerable among us, represented by elevated cancer risks, and higher mortality rates from asthma and other viruses, including COVID-19. Let this win empower Americans calling for the end to white supremacy and systemic racism across our country right now.
Today we see a victory for environmental justice, but the larger environmental and climate crisis can only be addressed by a movement that understands that if we are to continue to win on climate, we must win against poverty. If we are to continue to win on environmental justice, we must win against systemic racism. Forward together is the only way.
• “How Trump’s ‘Energy Dominance’ Backfired On An $8B Pipeline” (E&E News)
• “Legal and Environmental Setbacks Stymie Pipelines Nationwide” (New York Times)
• “Judge Declines To Reverse Dakota Access Pipeline Shutdown” (The Hill)
The Sierra Club, 2101 Webster St., Suite 1300, Oakland, CA 94612
Posted in accordance with Title 17, Section 107, US Code, for noncommercial, educational purposes.