ACTION ALERT: Over 1,000 World Scientists Protest for Climate Action

April 29th, 2022 - by Care2 Petitions Team

The Silence of Mainstream Media
Constitutes a Form of Climate Denial

Care2 Petitions Team

(April 28, 2022) — For decades, fossil fuel industries have funded climate denialism. Most of that money has been spent pretending that climate change is a hoax, or that humans don’t contribute to it. But recently, climate denialism has taken a less obvious form — organizations are avoiding covering important climate news or protests for climate action.

So, when over 1,000 scientists around the world engaged in civil disobedience to demand dramatic action on climate change and mainstream news sources barely covered it, they were doing exactly what the world’s greediest fossil fuel corporations wanted.

In Madrid, scientists splattered red paint on the Parliament building to represent the blood of those who have died and will continue to die from climate catastrophes.

In Los Angeles, a NASA scientist and three others chained themselves to a Chase Bank to bring attention to the bank’s role in funding some of the most destructive projects in the world.

In countries around the world, scientists bravely stepped out of their historically apolitical positions to say: the future of humanity is at stake. 

By refusing to cover these incredible protests, the media is giving fossil fuel executives exactly what they want: less focus on the fact that the planet is on fire and scientists are being ignored. The future of humanity is at stake, and the media must take responsibility!

ACTION: Sign now to demand media companies like the New York Times and Washington Post prioritize coverage on climate change and civil disobedience for the climate, and better cover these protests!

Climate inaction is denialism, plain and simple. And refusing to cover climate protests is climate denialism, too. Sign the petition.