ACTION ALERT: Hold Weapons Contractors Accountable for Climate Change

February 11th, 2023 - by Win Without War & Daily Kos / Action Network

ACTION ALERT: Hold Weapons Contractors Accountable for Climate Change

Win Without War

(February 9, 2023) — The Biden administration is seeking public comment on a federal rule known as the Federal Acquisition Regulation: Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate-Related Financial Risk, that would require federal contractors to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and, for the largest contractors, to release a plan to reduce emissions in line with Paris Agreement levels.

This rule is a critical first step in holding weapons contractors accountable for their impact on the environment. 

So far, many of the comments have come from industry groups in opposition to the rule. That’s why it’s so important that we speak out in support of this critical step towards transparency and accountability.

By adding our voices to the conversation, we can help improve the chances of this rule being implemented — and there’s no time for delay because the comment period for this rule ends February 13th.

ACTION: We can’t afford to wait any longer. Please, take a moment to submit your comment in support of the proposed rule in FAR Case 2021-015.


I am writing to express my support for the proposed rule on the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate-Related Financial Risk.

Currently, contractor greenhouse gas emissions are still largely hidden from public view, making it difficult to hold the agencies accountable for their full environmental impact. By requiring contractors to disclose their emissions, we can ensure that they do their part to reduce their carbon footprint and protect our planet.

The implementation of this regulation marks a pivotal moment in ensuring that contractors are held accountable for their contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and in tackling the multifaceted challenge of climate change.

Defense contractors in particular are massive greenhouse gas emitters – emitting more than the Defense Department itself, according to a recent scholarly estimate. That simply cannot continue if the US is to reach the emissions reductions required to avert climate disaster. Requiring major federal suppliers to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and set science-based reduction targets is an important step in the right direction.
Thank you for your consideration.

Personal Comment
Preparing for war involves actively waging war on the planet’s climate and ecosystems. End the practice of profiting from polluting to pummel lesser nations in a stupid, short-term bid for global hegemony. The Earth is worth saving — not enslaving!

Sign the Petition to Congress:
Big Oil profited by gouging our pockets –
they must be penalized for taking advantage!

Daily Kos / Action Network

(February 7, 2023) — Big Oil companies used the war in Ukraine and inflation as pretext to raise gasoline prices and gouge customers. Big Oil raked in billions in record profits while everyday Americans struggled to gas up their vehicles.

President Biden has spoken out against Big Oil’s price gouging – even calling for the Federal Trade Commission to investigate “potentially illegal conduct”. Meanwhile, consumers were left with the tight grip of soaring gas prices as Big Oil’s price gouging went unchecked by the federal government.

Congress Must Hold Big Oil Accountable
In California, Gov. Gavin Newsom is calling for a penalty to the excessive price increases that hurt Californians. This should be expanded nationally – and the U.S. Congress must step in to do just that and protect Americans from future price gouging.

It’s bad enough that oil companies continue to contribute to escalating global warming while using their profits to buy our elected leaders and block climate action. They cannot take advantage of consumers at these unchecked and alarming rates – Congress must penalize them and put that money back towards an equitable transition to a renewable energy economy.

ACTION: Sign the petition: Congress must penalize Big Oil for price gouging and reinvest that money into an equitable transition to a renewable energy economy.

Participating Organizations:
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
Climate Hawks Vote
Daily Kos
Demand Progress
Elders Climate Action
National Campaign for Justice
Native Organizers Alliance Action Fund
OD Action
Oil and Gas Action Network