Al Gore Calls Out Big Oil

August 12th, 2023 - by Climate Reality

Al Gore Calls Out Big Oil
The Climate Reality Project

“[The fossil fuel industry has] used fraud on a massive scale. They have used falsehoods on an industrial scale. And they have used their legacy and political and economic networks — lavishly funded — to capture the policymaking process in too many countries around the world.” 
— Climate Reality Founder Al Gore, TED Countdown 2023 

(August 10, 2023) — On the TED stage, former Vice President Al Gore’s words rang as loudly and clearly as the alarm bells climate scientists have sounded for decades. Through his presentation, one fact was glaring: fossil fuel companies are lying. To every single one of us. 

Former Vice President Gore’s talk touches on Big Oil and the absurd amount of money they spend on greenwashing campaigns, false solutions, and buying out the very processes we have put in place to tackle this existential crisis. Watch the full video here.

At Climate Reality, we’re here to call out industry lies and show the world we can build a better future without fossil fuels. After you watch his TED talk, join us in taking action.

ACTION: Have you seen any ads lately from fossil fuel companies that assert a commitment to advancing clean energy? Or any other blatant greenwashing?

We’re compiling examples for our new anti-greenwashing campaign and want to hear from you!

How can we speed up the
solutions to the climate crisis?
As Climate Reality’s founder and chairman — former US Vice President Al Gore –explains in a riveting new talk from the 2023 TED Countdown Summit, we’re seeing tremendous progress all around the world from the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in the US to new leadership by Brazil in protecting the Amazon.

But, as former Vice President Gore explains, the fossil fuel industry is using its billions in profits and wide-ranging influence to slow the energy transition and block progress everywhere from media advertising to UN climate summits. All while claiming to be working with us to confront global warming and reach net-zero.

It’s time to call this greenwashing out for the dangerous threat to climate action it is. Learn more about greenwashing and what we can do by visiting our Calling Out Greenwashing Campaign.

In a blistering talk, Nobel Laureate Al Gore looks at the two main obstacles to climate solutions and gives his view of how we might actually solve the environmental crisis in time. You won’t want to miss his searing indictment of fossil fuel companies for walking back their climate commitments — and his call for a global rethink of the roles of polluting industries in politics and finance.

Countdown is TED’s global initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis. The goal: to build a better future by cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, in the race to a zero-carbon world. Get involved at