Polls: Support of Gaza Genocide Cost Dems Election

January 19th, 2025 - by Walt Zlotow / West Suburban Peace Coalition

Biden-Harris Support of Gaza Genocide
A Big Factor in Trump’s Reelection
Walt Zlotow / West Suburban Peace Coalition

GLEN ELLYN, Illinois (January 18, 2025) — During the campaign those of us in the peace community horrified by President Biden’s support of Israeli genocide in Gaza, pleaded with Biden and his genocide supporting Democrats, including Harris, to cease funding the genocide which could not continue without America’s $22 billion in genocide weapons. We were not just committed to ending the genocide. We warned it could defeat Kamala Harris’ bid to replace Biden and keep autocratic traitor Trump from returning to power.

We were right.

Post election polling by the Institute for Middle East Understanding and YouGov reveals that of the millions of Biden’s 2020 voters who voted for third party or didn’t vote, 29% the number 1 reason, cited his support of genocide. 24% cited the economy and only 11% named immigration. Harris got a staggering 6.3 million less votes that Biden in 2020, with genocide cited as the primary factor.

Genocide was widely cited by voters abandoning Harris in in 5 crucial states Biden won that Harris lost: 38% in Arizona, 32% in MI and WI, 19% in Pa and 6% in GA. Had Harris kept those 5 states she’d be inaugurated Monday instead of the wannabe authoritarian oligarch.

Harris made a mistake not breaking with Biden on genocide. By a more than three-to-one margin, Biden 2020 voters who did not vote for Harris, say they would more likely have voted for Harris had if she“pledged to break from President Biden’s policy toward Gaza by promising to withhold additional weapons to Israel.”

Doesn’t surprise me as I and many of my peace community colleagues were so inclined. We could not vote for genocide enabler Harris under any circumstances, but would in a heartbeat had she pivoted to peace.

There was precedent for Harris doing so. In 1968 Democratic nominee, Vice President Hubert Humphrey, was losing badly to Richard Nixon due to massive defections from anti-Vietnam War Democrats. Humphrey, like Harris was a good soldier VP supporting his boss’s self-destructive war policies.

A month before the election Humphrey timidly pivoted to peace in a prime time address. It closed the double digit gap but was too little too late. Had he broken from LBJ from the get go…no Nixon and likely no 7 year prolonged bloodbath under Nixon.

Harris should have broken with Biden on genocide the day she was selected to replace the unfit incumbent. Only 4 years old when Humphrey belated tried, Harris didn’t learn from history of how to foolishly lose a presidential election.

In the billions of pixels and newsprint lamenting the return of Trump Monday, virtually nothing is offered about the genocide issue promoting Harris’ loss. The entire Democratic establishment and their sycophantic media has scrubbed ‘genocide’ from any mention whatsoever, before, during and after the heartbreaking loss.

That is horrible for the 2,300,000 Palestinians (less the hundred thousand dead) being destroyed by Biden and Harris’s 2,000 lb. bombs. But it’s calamitous for future Democratic electoral success for failing to learn from history and governing from basic humanitarian decency.