The World Is Now Just
89 Seconds from a Nuclear Doomsday
Win Without War
(January 29, 2025) — If the chaos, fear, and confusion of the past few days weren’t an indication that we’re on a perilous path, here’s a clear signal: The Doomsday Clock just ticked one second closer toward global catastrophe.
The brutal reality is that the potential for nuclear war is growing as multiple nuclear-armed nations remain deep in conflict. That terror is likely to increase with a volatile Trump administration poised to massively expand the U.S. nuclear arsenal and potentially restart atomic testing for the first time in over 30 years.
Right now, as the world sits just 89 seconds from annihilation, lobbyists are heading to the Hill and the White House to spread the lie that it’s more weapons that’ll make us safe. This backward thinking only accelerates a race to the bottom that could end the world as we know it. That’s why it’s time to turn back the clock. Together, we can, and we WILL.
Here’s the good news: Even the president can’t do this alone. Both those efforts take massive resources, and Congress holds the purse strings. Win Without War is already working day and night, mobilizing the grassroots, connecting with movement partners, and raising the alarm about the doomsday threat level on Capitol Hill.
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has officially reset the Clock to 89 seconds to midnight. [1] In the face of the climate crisis, nuclear war, and the potential misuse of biological science and artificial intelligence, humanity is the closest we’ve EVER been to the apocalypse.
The threats we face are coming from all directions. Trump has already left the Paris Agreement and World Health Organization, hamstringing our ability to respond to global threats like climate change and pandemics. There’s Russia’s continued military aggression in Ukraine, China’s rapid expansion of its armed forces and growing stockpile of nuclear weapons, and amidst fragile ceasefires in Gaza and Lebanon, violence continues to simmer in the Middle East.
Last year, Congress did its part to push us closer toward midnight by continuing to expand the already massive U.S. arsenal with unnecessary nuclear-armed submarines, more missiles, and new warheads.
It’s a huge reason why this week, leading scientists declared our entire planet has inched even closer to nuclear armageddon than at any other time.
Closer than during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.
Closer than the height of the Cold War in the 1980s.
Closer than at the start of the nuclear arms race in 1953.
Building more nuclear weapons has only deepened a global arms race that makes us all less safe. But if we join together, we can still turn back the clock.
Because it’s happened before: In 1991, after the United States and the Soviet Union signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and committed to scaling down their nuclear stockpiles, the Bulletin moved a full seven minutes backward.
Every second counts, and with the war lobby once again jumping to monetize crises and conflicts, working against peace to expand the U.S. war machine, Win Without War’s work at pausing the clock is more crucial than ever.
We’re pulling out all the stops to keep the pressure on Congress and push them away from reckless nuclear weapons spending increases that bring us closer to doomsday in 2025.
“89 seconds to midnight” is a stark reminder that governments pouring TRILLIONS of dollars into nuclear weapons over the years has done little to make the world safer.
Unfortunately — and despite every signal imaginable reminding us that this is one more moment where reducing nuclear stockpiles would’ve created pathways to peace, and with massive public support for disarmament — Congress could allow Trump to push us even closer toward doomsday. But not if we have anything to say about it.
Every second counts. Let’s turn back the clock together.
Thank you for working for peace,
The Win Without War team